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just an update from a grateful sm on disengaging

a_smims's picture

;_st wanted to say a huuuge thanks to everyone who showed me the article on disengaging. I've been trying this for over a week now and its amazing how much more relaxed and positive I am. I am also marvelling at how worked up dh is getting having to discipline and run around after his 2 brats, I know it sounds bad but everytime he gets upset or frustrated I can't help but smile and think, this is what you put me through for 3 years with your kids and then said I was wring in discipling them and now your theone looking like a stressed out moron. Revenge issoooo swEet; well, not even revemger, just deserts!
And I now think its no reflection on me wen they run around and cause havoc when my son is sat perfectly still behaving himself, insteada worrying that people are thinking badly of me. His family do anyway so now they can enjoy the full reality of 2 grankids who run amock when they think they can get away with it. I'm just sitting back and enjoying all the action and spending time with my special boy insteada worrying bowt his. So huuuuuge thanks to everyone, feel so much happier! X


kitty1470's picture

Im glad you are happier! I've been happier since I've disengaged (Although it didn't take me long to do it, I have very little patience and get bored easy)..isnt it sweet when you can sit back and watch the SO run around the brats and get frustrated and you can just sit back and smile, knowing..not my problem!!!!

Thats me...I love it!

a_smims's picture

Yes brilliant! I now sit back and see how stressed, angry and frustrated he becomes and think, you did that to me for nearly 4 years and I let you. Ha, payback and I'm finally getting myself back on track and putting me and MY son first; as it always should have been. Can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped!

U guys are literally my life savers, you've given me thee power to take my life back. I can never thank you enough xxxx