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someone help!

a_smims's picture

Gosh, where to begin? Thank god I found this site and realised am not alone in this.
Basically, I have 2 stepsons with my now husband of 6 months and a 2 year old who is ours.
The middle stepson who is 8 is fine, get on with him fine and he dotes on my son. In fact, I'd go on to say I could easily love him if given the chance to. There are 3 problems tho, his bm, my husband and most of all my eldest stepson who is nearly 10.
His bm makes life as difficult as poss (natch) sees him as little as poss and tells everyone who will listen, including him, that I am abusing him, am a horrible person and an unfit mother. Ironic, seeing as she left him at the age of 3 stating hed ruined her life and that she never wanted to see him or his bro again. That I can just about deal with, we all know people love the label the wicked stepmum (if only they'd read the original fairytales in which its the bm or father who is the 'villain' but this was seen as too shocking for lil children and replaced with the stepmum, much more acceptable socially to see us as the abusers, but so often wrong!)
But the eldest stepson is a nightmare and my husband blatantly refuses to do anything about it, even in fact saying I am bullying him and have had it in for him from day 1! Really? I've bent over backwards for this boy! Before I came along he was shoved on xbox all day and night and this was his 'quality time' with daddy! Anyway, ss has recently beat his bro up at school, tried to suffocate hime with a plastic bag over his head (when confronted said hed 'tripped' and it landed on his bros head! My husband did naff all, I had to punish as usual!) And backchats, pushes past me as much as poossible, stares at me, gives me filthy looks, throws temper tantrums not even my 2 year old could dream of, tries to hurt my 2 year old or break his toys when he thinks no ones looking, turns his nose up at anything and everything I cook for him (yep, even chips!) And basically goes round telling anyone whol listen how horrid I amn to him, etc. And my husband, god he's so desperate for his sons approval, he basically says am overreacting and bullying! How? I've now got ibs, had a bowt of stress related shingles, am on a waiting list for counselling, doagnosed with anxiety and depression and am meant to be going on antidepressants soon on doctors orders even though I don't want to! I have never suffered from any of these before and am so stressing myself out over all this that I'm literally making myseld ill. Oh and to top it off my husband has been saying its my fault to his family, friends and even his boss which I recently found out, remind me again why I'm still here! Any suggestions, tips, anything. Please I don't know what to do anymore.


a_smims's picture

Thank you so much everyone for all your feedback. It really helps to know I'm not alone and not the terrible mother I'm being made out to be. I've managed to get him on the waiting list for childrens counselling and am so hoping something good comes of it as he's just getting worse. Yesterday ss decided to run at his brother while they were playing, with a swiss army knife in his hand! His friends knife apparently, but its ok cos they were only playing...! Wtf! What did his dad do, er, nothing!!! Am I over reacting in thinking this is not normal behaviour and he should be punished? For the first time ever, I thought sod it, let his dad deal with him and sat and said nothing. I know it sounds really horrible, and I hate myself for thinking it, but naybe I should just let the older ss get on with it and really hurt (or indeed stab) my younger ss so people really take notice?

Today ss decided to slide down a slide at the local park and waited till my 2 year old was at the bottom and tried to slide into him to kick him over. The look on his face was horrible, I really wanted to hurt him for trying to purposely hurt my little boy but again I held back, and what did his dad do; you guessed it, naff all. If hed just back me up, but all the while now I get 'you're just over rteacting'! Am I? I don't know anymore, I just know something has to give surely?