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now the younger ss is starting to act like a tw*t

a_smims's picture

Gosh, and I thought things couldn't get worse, but now the younger ss is starting to act like his elder, horrid brother. Can't blame him as this seems to be the only way to get attention from their dad!
He keeps 'forgetting' things (on purpose, unless he's suddenly had a brain transplant and devolved back into a 3 year old)!
Tonight, he 'forgot' to shut the stairgate, which must be bloody hard to do obv. Seeing as you have to physically lift the stairgate and unclick it to open it, can't possibly remember to click it back in behind you.
He's also started to wee in his pyjamas and instead of telling us like we've said to (we've been very delicate and said please put them next to the washbasket and tell one of us, u won't get shouted at, because if you put it in the basket then all our clothes will smell of wee and we won't be able to get it out) does he do this, does he eck! He either literally burries the clothes at the bottom of the wash basket so the EVERYTHING ends up smelling foul and has to be washed 3 times! Or he hides them under his pillow, or right at the bottom of his duvet, often even unbuttoning th bottom of the duvet and studding them in there. You may think this is cos he's embarrased, nope, his clean clothes he can't be bothered to put away also get stuffed inbetween the duvet, dirty pants, socks etc, he also can't be bothered to put in the washbasket also find a home there!
But the worst thing is he used to be so good with my boy, his half bro, and now all of a sudden he's started trying to argue with him (bearing in ming my boy is 2 and ss is 8 nearly 9) and where he used to look out for him, he now let's him hurt himself and instead of trying to help, just watches blankly (exactly as elder ss does) find it very disturbing indeed, like there's no human connection or emotion.
He is becoming lazy, dirty, 'forgetful' and beginning to chatback and be cheeky to all adults it seems, and he used to be so polite, don't understand what's happening? Is it because his elder brother is going in for counselling and he feels he's missing out? Their dad of course burries head in sand and pretends alls peachy so I'm left to deal with everything, and then if it all goes wrong his whole family turn on me and he justs stands and says nothing!