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just an update from a grateful sm on disengaging

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;_st wanted to say a huuuge thanks to everyone who showed me the article on disengaging. I've been trying this for over a week now and its amazing how much more relaxed and positive I am. I am also marvelling at how worked up dh is getting having to discipline and run around after his 2 brats, I know it sounds bad but everytime he gets upset or frustrated I can't help but smile and think, this is what you put me through for 3 years with your kids and then said I was wring in discipling them and now your theone looking like a stressed out moron.

me and hubby are on the verge of splitting now cos of ss9

a_smims's picture

I feel like this is the last chance for my marriage and we've only been married about 7 months (been together nearly 4 yrs and have a 2yr old together).
I literally feel that I have ran out of all options and really need some advice on whether I should try a bit longer or cut my losses now. Quite frankly, if we didn't have a 2yr old together - would have left months ago and certainly wouldn't have married him. Stupidly did it to try and make things work and to give my son a solid start in life, thinking why should ss9 deny my son a father in his life.

now the younger ss is starting to act like a tw*t

a_smims's picture

Gosh, and I thought things couldn't get worse, but now the younger ss is starting to act like his elder, horrid brother. Can't blame him as this seems to be the only way to get attention from their dad!
He keeps 'forgetting' things (on purpose, unless he's suddenly had a brain transplant and devolved back into a 3 year old)!
Tonight, he 'forgot' to shut the stairgate, which must be bloody hard to do obv. Seeing as you have to physically lift the stairgate and unclick it to open it, can't possibly remember to click it back in behind you.

ss gets one in the eye.."iterally

a_smims's picture

I know this sounds really bad, but ss just got beaten up by the local kids (again) and am sooo chuffed!
He's such an arrogant git and after all the trouble he causes at home with hus attitude I'm not surprised the local kids have punched him; I'd love to myself (never would of course) and what's his dads take? They were picking on him of course, never the other way round, or the fact that he's a little shit!

someone help!

a_smims's picture

Gosh, where to begin? Thank god I found this site and realised am not alone in this.
Basically, I have 2 stepsons with my now husband of 6 months and a 2 year old who is ours.
The middle stepson who is 8 is fine, get on with him fine and he dotes on my son. In fact, I'd go on to say I could easily love him if given the chance to. There are 3 problems tho, his bm, my husband and most of all my eldest stepson who is nearly 10.