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BettyRay's Blog

Even After All This Time

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DH had to take the car in for maintenance early Saturday morning. SS14 was asleep when DH left.

When SS14 got up I asked him if he was hungry. He said no. Okay, fine. Meanwhile DH is texting on and off that the garage is way behind and he’ll be awhile. It is what it is, I let SS14 know and told him there were Eggos and Pop Tarts if he’s hungry.

Same Argument Different Day

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So DH was upset with me over the weekend. SS14 was with us and he has been acting like a teenage jerk.

DH laid into me on Sunday about how I have a cleaning "vendetta" when SS14 is with us and I need to stop it. I told him that wasn't true and since he (DH) and SS14 don't bother to help with the house work most of the time that it falls on me.

Well DH didn't like that and told me that he spends most of the weekend in the kitchen cooking and doesn't complain. I told him I'm grateful he does the cooking and that I'm just trying to get the laundry and cleaning done.

Cookie Recipe

BettyRay's picture

¾ cup soft butter
½ cup white sugar
1 egg
¼ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 ¾ cup flour
Andes Candies

1. Cream together butter, sugar, add salt, egg, and vanilla – mix well.
2. Stir in flour – slowly.
3. Chill dough for about an hour.
4. Preheat oven to 400F.
5. Shape into inch balls.
6. Top each ball with an Andes Candy.
7. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes.


Happy New Year!

Christmas Vacation

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So the man-child (SS18) and tweener (SS14) are home alone today. They will have a full day of video games and Netflix, eating whatever they want.

I had to laugh last night as DH and I prepared for them being home alone today - we hid most of the junk food - Christmas cookies, snack size chips, pop-tarts, chocolate kisses etc. In previous years these two would eat all the junk food up leaving none for lunches. Also hid most of the paper plates as they will use a bag of 100 up in 2 days - taking a new plate every time they eat something.

SS13 has a Cold

BettyRay's picture

Just like the changing of the seasons it never fails - SS13 gets a cold right after the first frost. Like.Clock.Work.

SS13 arrived last night - blood shot eyes, runny nose, sneezing, he looked just nasty.

So DH decided SS13 would skip karate, and get to bed early. DH had SS13 take a hot shower and some cold medicine.

The skid was in bed by 8 p.m. - SS13 actually got 10 hours of sleep last night!

BM was floored when she called at 8:30 and told her SS13 was asleep.

What The...!?!

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Friday night BM called DH to talk to SS13, yell at him actually. She does this all the time - Calls when the boys are with us and yells at them about stuff that happened at her house. DH has pointed this out to BM a number of times, telling her how stupid this is - BM never listens, but I digress.

Anyway BM was upset because she asked SS13 to clean his room. When she was checking to make sure SS13 had done the chore BM noticed that SS13 had plates stuffed under his mattress :?

SS18 Found a Spoon

BettyRay's picture

I know you all were on pins and needles wondering if SS18 would ever find a spoon to make his mac & cheese....well...he was at our place for dinner last night and I walked him down to the basement and SS18 went through our boxes of kitchen stuff (things we saved from when DH moved in).

Finally, he struck gold and found his mac & cheese spoon. Wink I gave him a box and told him to take what he needed.

SS18 On His Own - Too Funny

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SS18 was been living in the fantasy suite for 4 days.

Last night DH gets a call from BM.

BM was upset because SS18 called her ranting and raving because he couldn't make mac and cheese. Why? Because BM didn't provide him with a wooden spoon. He wanted her to find one and drop it off pronto.

This is what happens when you raise an entitled child. DH just laughed about it but I was like :jawdrop:

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

