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bluff stuff's Blog

DH buying stuff for SDs

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Do you think a stepparent should have a say in what their spouse buys their children?

For example, my husband and I - we have separate finances, but we still usually discuss things we're buying. Even if it's personal. For example, clothes, shoes, even if each is buying with their own money. But when he's buying for SDs, he doesn't consult me, he buys whatever they ask for and sometimes doesn't even tell me. I get a bit upset over this. Maybe I don't have a reason but it just feels wrong.

SD14 and the TV

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Ok, so SD14 is sitting in the living room watching something on TV. She is, first of all, GROUNDED. She's not supposed to be watching TV, but she is. Second, I want the living room to be available to me or DH to watch TV when we're home. I don't care if you were there first, you have a TV in your room, and if it's out there's a reason we took it out. It's our TV, we have the right to watch it when we want to and what we want to watch. But, she's sitting there. I ask her, nicely, to give me the remote or change the channel herself to what I want to watch (a show). She says "no".