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Mom brag

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Can I just brag about my 25 year old son real quick? He said , "Mom, Im not afraid of getting sick. Im afraid of giving it to someone else, like M (his girlfriend) who could give it to her patients who are 75+."

No restrictions

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So sick of the SDs having in & out privileges. Myself and the little skids are home all day every day with a little outside time. DH works a little when he can work alone or outside. He doesn't go to jobsites with many people so we are losing income, but SD17 is working her oh so important $9 an hour job that funds her nails, hair and eyebrows getting done. SD20 just took her boss to the airport. Will she be picking her up also and then coming back to our home and spreading whatever germs?

You might be a skid if....

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Lets have our  own version of you might be a redneck. Ive also added a must watch video of a young woman who has to be a skid

You  might  be a skid if...

Your dad is afraid to tell you to not go to work in food service while you are coughing and showing other signs  of Coronavirus.

Dad is also afraid to tell her not to  put metal/aluminum to go containers in the microwave  because skid says aluminium is not a metal. Sure does make loud popping  noises SD17.

really that dumb?

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SD17, almost 18, allegedly graduating high school in May...she came down to make lunch and put a metal container in the microwave, I wasn't paying attention.  I'm working on the computer and have 4 f'n skids here on quarrantine with me.  I hear popping noises but I'm still kinda in my own world with my headphones on.  It gets louder and louder and she takes it out of the microwave and I see a metal to go container.  I was so stunned that she is that dumb.  She works at a restaurant and often comes home late, does she do this often I wonder?

My fantasy

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I had a fantasy that at some point during the 30 hours the skids were gone at their mother's that the state would go on lockdown for 2 weeks. Nope they're back & here for AT LEAST 2 weeks because I don't know what our world is going to look like in 2 weeks but Im sure BM will use it as an excuse to leave the skids with us. She gave us extra cash instead of taling then extra time while schools are off. Im ok with that. She has  skids too so bouncing them back and forth just brings more contact into our house. 


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Here we go schools in the area are starting to close. It will give me an opportunity to quarantine myself to my room & write. Im 2 chapters into my book and I like the content. I haven't titled it yet but 3 of my choices are:


Living in Stephell

Trapped in Stephell

Cancel visits?

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I wonder if BM will cancel this weekend because she doesn't want the kids bringing Coronavirus to her house. Must be nice to live in a child free home. I dint think she's seen the kids in the last 3 weeks. 

I cant win

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I can't win.  If you remember I posted bagel +hot dog= bagel dog and if you like bagels and hot dogs, often you will also like bagel dogs, unless a step parent brings them home, then they are poison.

I had to pick up SS11 today from an after school activity...I should say I offered to because DH had a dr appt and it would be too much driving around for him to get SS and get back to the doctor.  The SDs were "busy" so I offered to do it even though I had to rush through my errands to get there.  Although when I got here both SDs are here doing nothing. just sayin

he needs a medal

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Does anyone know where I can order medals in bulk.  DH started the dishwasher 2 days in a row.  Both times he informed me, so I think he is waiting for a medal.  I have been washing my own dishes by hand(I have my own private stash, I won't share utensils or plates with these slobs).  I put them away and then I go to work.  Everything that DH has had to put in the dishwasher is from him and his children.  He says he's just trying to help out.  I threw up in my mouth a little and came upstairs for the night.  He is going to have to unload that dishwasher and put the dinner dishes in the dish
