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Chmmy's Blog

Happy new year?

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BM is so stupid. My husband makes 100,000+ per year. When he was married to BM he made 50,000- 60,000 in side jobs as well.  Now that he has the kids full time he cant do side jobs. He never  watched the finances. She spent every dime they had plus went into debt and she didnt pay the bills. They went in to foreclosure. After she did that he started watching the finances and controlling the money a little more and she divorced him.

So this is blended life.

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Blended step life is worse than just regular step life. My son 23 is moving from DC to Michigan for a job. He is staying with us for a week til the job starts. This is awful. I cant run & hide like I usually do or just take off. Im not working much for the holidays and no school for the kids so I'm here, not wanting to leave my son. He has an apartment. He chose to move in to the apartment and come spend the holidays with us so ditching him is not an option. Last night we spent the night at my parents house but we're back. Of course BM is too busy to take the skids during the break.

OT breast bad are they?

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I went for a breast biopsy and they prepare you for the pain. This is going to sting.... you feel a pressure and then the pain wil subside in 30 seconds, stuff like that.  I felt almost nothing and certainly not pain. Im sitting around with ice packs on the incision. Apparently it'll hurt later but almost 2 hrs after I still feel fine.

Is this possible?

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Many of you will say f*^* that s*^* but Im interested in hearing your stories why or why not.

When my ex & I used to fight, he'd play the song why can't we be friends? My answer was usually because I think youre an asshole. Anyway wish he was alive today to get on my nerves like he used to.

Looking for suggestions on sd17

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Anyone who reads my blogs knows how I feel about  sd17. She's awful to live with, manipulative, mean, a user, Im literally afraid of being alone with her because anyone who gets in her way she tries to take down. Usually it is verbal abuse but since I didnt back down, Im not sure what next. I have a teaching certificate so allegations of abuse could ruin me.

Anyone in the mental health field?

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I know there's a few of you out there. Can anyone give me an idea what could be wrong with SD17?

She narcissistic, manipulative, mean spirited, uses people and discards, very fake. These traits also  belong  to her mother. 

She was very close to her sister, SD20. "Sd20 bring me food, give me a ride, take me to get my eyebrows, nails or hair done, etc". Now that sd17 has a job & a license its " fck you SD20, I can't stand you, your a fat pig," she treats everyone like crap that cant do anything for her anymore. She has done that to many more  people. 

How am I the bad guy?

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I came home from work after midnight, changed my clothes, brushed teeth etc. DH was sleeping. When I grabbed the blankets, I woke him. We exchanged pleasantries and then I asked him why there were soaking wet towels on the carpet in the hall. I picked them up of course. Apparently he left them in the washer and when SD17 needed to do laundry she tossed them in the hall outside the laundry room. Really? So I said I was going to piss on her laundry.  Kinda crude but I wouldnt do it. Regardless,  somehow Im the bad guy who "woke him in the middle of the night to scream at him".

One song can change your mood :(

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My youngest son played this song for me in the car when he was a young teen almost 10 yrs ago. It's about a sucky dad who died and how the death hurt him as he hurt him in life. My son cried and held my hand. There is a line about leaving the kids with a poor single mother and being a donor of seeds. I guess thats how my son felt about his dad.

raising kids on the internet

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Thank goodness I raised my kids before all this smart phone, instagram, snapchat garbage.  We cant even keep up with what the skids are doing.  Yes I know we could block shit from the wifi but wittle ss12 wants to snapchat with his little friends so dh keeps turning it back on. I came across SS12s snapchat account and he has an inappropriat screen name.  SS12 has been inappropriate on the internet for years.
