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Library Book Debacle

CLove's picture

Ok I know I am being a blog post hawg.

Just got an email telling "parents of" SD16.5 Power Sulk that a long list of books needs to be returned or total fines will be owed.


Karma? Or Schaudenfraud? Or both?

When I mentioned it all he could say was "oh sh!t!"

Rubbing my hands together, evil smile on my face, maniacle cackle eminating...

And Im getting emotionally ready for concert tonight after work.


CajunMom's picture

And not said a word. Now.... update account so emails go to him in the future. If he says something, minimal words. "Yeah, I saw that. Sorry."

Thats disengagement. 

MissK03's picture

Has she not returned a book since kindergarten? Take yourself off e-mails... Not sure why you continue to torture yourself with being involved on that level with her schooling.  It's one phone call. BM did it to me when we had our falling out. Only favor she ever did.

Livingoutloud's picture

Is it school library or local library? Regardless, why are you getting those emails? One doesn't need to be tech savvy to receive correspondence from school. It has to go to parents. Also parents who aren't regularly checking email (not uncommon) could request info sent by text. Not tech savvy parents could receive info by other means. 

Next time you receive info from school or library or other institution, remind them the kid has parents, give them parents' info and request to stop receiving this kind of info. 

get yourself off parental correspondence email or chain or list. They shouldn't send you this info.





ESMOD's picture

You need to have him have his own email.. and the library card parent needs to be him and only him.. you need to remove yourself.. otherwise.. you WILL be liable for those fines.  stop doing his parenting work.. 

CLove's picture

So I am off the hook for anything and everything.

I was practicing my schaudenfroud. 

Harry's picture

Was. Living  a dysfunctional life for 18 or more years.  When they were married ...divorced... now.  
Today is not the day this changes.   The dysfunction is not going to end.  It's just going to go around and around.   Get off the train before it crashes and burns.   There is nothing you can do.  
Yes there is. Take up fishing. It's works for DH. 

CLove's picture


So - that weekend he went fishing at a popular man made lake for trout.

REAL fishing happens when he goes out to sea and catches the big ones. Requiring a license and those have a season.