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Update - End of Spousal Support!!!

CLove's picture

Thanks to everyone, for your input last week.

So, a nice weekend was had by all, Munchkin SD13 included.

To recap - Friday of last week, I took off half day from work, and DH and I marched on down to the county courthouse and obtained a certified copy of his divorce documents. As I had noted and found in a previously notarized document, the term of spousal support for Toxic Troll was to be 3 years and 11 months, beginning April 2016, and Ending March 2020.

We have reached the end of SS. So, why did Toxic Troll text threats about upping the amount of SS? Shes always full of hot toxic air. I did find out the law allows an extension of SS, but not extension AFTER its ended. And to extend current SS, there must be "special circumstances".

That afternoon, I drew up a "Spousal Support Declaration" Form (sounds legal, eh?) stating that she is signing off on the fact that my DH has fulfilled his obligation for SS and some other details including the duration and period.

She signed without a single squeal.

Oh - and she is REALLY excited about this case she has been working on against the county school system. Her neurologist thinks she will make at least 1 million if not more. She stated that she "sees millions of dollars in her future". She hit her head on some monkee bars at the school, and she is claiming fraud and negligence because they did not allow her back to work. Her lawyer is so confident that she will win big that he isnt charging her. But wait! Theres more! She has reached the end of her workmans comp and will be cleared for work soon. Shes barely got an 11th grade education and she worked with autistic kids for a school system she is currently suing. Ive been told that puts a "mark" on your record.

So - if she does win something, good for Munchkin! If not, who cares! DH thinks she might win, but even so, lawyers take a large chunk first, and she will go through whatever in little to no time. I highly doubt she will be a millionaire because they want to "shut her up.

lololol. Toxic Troll...sheesh.



notarelative's picture

Her neurologist thinks she will make at least 1 million if not more

A neurologist who also gives law advice. Must be a very talented guy. I wonder what her dentist says? The paper carrier?

She hit her head on some monkee bars at the school, 

Walked into them? Or swinging on them? 

 claiming fraud and negligence because they did not allow her back to work. 

Surprise.Surprise. When you leave work injured (here) you need a doctor release to go back. If you are injured enough for a million dollar payout, the doctor isn't going to release you back to work. You can't both work and simultaneously collect workmen's comp.

Her lawyer is so confident that she will win big that he isnt charging her

She obviously missed the zillion accident lawyer commercials on tv advertising no fee unless we win.

The only thing I see happening is the school district removing the monkey bars.