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Countrymom's Blog

Step vs Bio siblings

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Other posts have me thinking, again… I’ve actually had trouble with this for as long as I’ve been with DH, 5 years now.

I have BD12 and BD8, and there’s SS7. The two little ones were about 2 and 3 when DH and I got together. SS has always been what I consider a mean child. When a toddler he would hit, bite, pull hair, take toys, not share, etc. Everything you’d expect from a toddler but worse and more often than any I’d ever seen. Plus he whined and complained a lot, still does that to this day, actually.

Tired of caring what others think!

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Ever so often I just feel like I need to unload my thoughts and feelings and now is one of those times. I’m sorry if this turns out to be very random.

Thanksgiving dinner at MIL’s is Saturday and I’m dreading it. Dinner at DH grandparents is on Thanksgiving day with MIL and the “aunt” that hit on my DH, along with other aunts, uncles and cousins. I will just ignore MIL and the “aunt” the best I can, speak only when spoken to.

SS6 Upcoming Birthday

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SSstb7 birthday is in a few weeks. Every year I have planned and done all the work for all birthday parties. I have been with DH going on 5 years and this year I do not plan on doing anything for SS birthday. The year before last we had his party at a gymnastics place that cost well over $100 just for the facility rental. The year before that was the local YMCA with a pool. Each and every year he just whines and complains. So last year we just had it at home. I was not paying that much money for an unappreciative little snot. That was still a lot of work for me, but saved money.

My family and my ex

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My ex and I usually have a decent co-parenting relationship. We get along for the most part, agree on swapping days for special occasions, I inform him of any needed info concerning the girls, we stay out of each other’s lives, etc. But despite this, I still like boundaries.

Kindergarten Graduation Brunch

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Yesterday was SS6 kindergarten graduation. I was unable to attend because it was at the same time as my BD7 awards ceremony at her school. DH and I went to MIL’s house last night to get some of our stuff out of her basement and DH and MIL were talking about the graduation. Well MIL went out to eat with SS, BM, BM’s other 2 small children with her new husband that she cheated on DH with(those girls are like 2 and 3 years old), BM’s mother and BM’s aunt who takes care of SS most of the time when he’s “with” BM on her time.
