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Shields Up!

Drac0's picture

We're still at DEFCON 3.

I came home yesterday to be greeted by BS and BD (they love running into my arms). SS has secluded himself in his bedroom again and closed his door. DW says he's doing homework.

I asked her if she has x-ray vision. DW gave me the "look" and I just let the matter drop.

I made supper. When I served it is when SS came out. Didn't say "hi" but he did go and feed the dog without being prompted (that's his only job at supper time). He even put his plate away in the sink after supper without being asked (another shocker). He didn't say a word all dinner.

Well except for this little incident which I cannot help but laugh about.

SS has been growing his hair long and lately - when he eats with us - he bends his head over his plate so that his hair flops down to cover his face. I'm telling you, it's like eating dinner with "Cousin It" from the Addams family.

Over the weekend, Donkeykong must have forced SS to go get a hair cut. So now his hair is super short. However, SS must have been used to having the "Greasy Hair Shield" on at supper time because he still leans over his plate and he tries to brush his hair downwards to cover his face.

After he did this a couple of times I asked "Hey SS, is there something in your hair you want to add to your meal?"

DW - who was busy helping BD with her meal - turns to look and catches it too. "SS stop doing that!"

"Doing what?" SS retorts.

"Stop trying to brush your hair in front of your face! What's the matter, you don't want us looking at you now?"

SS just grumps and continues eating but I can easily tell that having our family dinner was akin to torture for him.


bellladonna's picture

My favorite part was when you said you made supper! Can you talk to my DH? He never does anything around the house.

Drac0's picture

Really? Because I always make supper.

But I'm one of the few guys that like cooking. I'm no Chef Ramsay, but I'm a decent cook.

DW cooks dinner once in a while but most of the time it's me.

Totalybogus's picture

How old did you say he was again? Sounds like a typical snotty teen. I swear aliens come down and suck their brains out and don't return them until they're 28 or have children of their own.

Drac0's picture

Honestly, I haven't really noticed it until recently at dinner time. It's the only time he sits across from me and have a "good view" of him.

One thing he does do is when I am challenging him on something (i.e. "Did you do your homework?"), he'll pull his collar up above his nose (like Bazooka Joe).

thinkthrice's picture

HMMM Maybe the tall one is channeling the Girhippo (BM in my case) who constantly finger combed her hair in front of her face so as to "avoid" making face to face contact with Chef or myself. She would also position her hand in front of her face so as not to look at either of us.

And she was in her mid thirties when she was doing this. Kind of hard to hide a six foot, 240 lb amazon woman with the palm of her hand.