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fedupnow's Blog

If you could do it all over again?

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During a therapy session with my DH and I, she asked me if I knew then what I know now, would I have married him and his two kids? I could not answer and my DH was very hurt. I love him with all my heart but we fight mainly because of my SS20 and SD15. In my heart I think I would have answered NO. What would many of you have done?

Full time vs shared custody?

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I live with my husband of 3 yrs and his kids SS18 and SD14 full time because they chose to live with their dad. BM lives 5 min away but is a no show. She pays no child support based on their divorce agreement. Skids see her once a month if lucky. So I have been the one taking care of them, cooking, cleaning and driving them around all these years. I do not like my Skids and have had a hard time. I often wish we had shared custody so I can have time to myself and be alone with my husband. I resent the BM for having all her freedom and new husband to be alone with.

Contemplating to leave after the holidays

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After 2 years of marriage I am at the point now that I am considering leaving the most wonderful man I have ever known and who I love very much. I want to go back to my hometown where my 2 young adult kids are, my whole family and friends are. I realized after 2 years of living with SS18 and SD13 that I can no longer do this. The thought of living with them for the next 5 years or more depresses me. I have emotionally detached myself from them and I know this is not the way I want to live forever.

Life spinning out of control

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How can life be so complicated. How can leaving an unhappy loveless marriage in the past put me in a life with more turmoil. I may have found love now but why do I feel like my life is spinning out of control more than ever. I know I need help but what kind of help. Why do I put myself in a situation knowing in my heart I didn't want to be, like taking a role of a stepmom for two kids I know nothing about, moving to another city away from my own young adult kids, family, and leaving a well paid government job of many years.