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ferretmom's Blog

He's still trying

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I just finished packing and H is still trying to get me not to go. I took my animals to the sitter's this morning because I don't trust them to take care of them while I'm gone. As soon as I got back there were flowers and chocolates and please baby don't go. I need this break too much plus it's nonrefundable so I'd be out a LOT of money. I have a friend coming in a couple of hours to drive me to the airport. If I don't catch you all here go to and I'll catch up with you there. Please be patient as I'm still learning my way around the site.

I'm leaving tomorrow

ferretmom's picture

I fly out tomorrow night for Charleston and board ship Sat night. I'll stay in touch with every one. I really need this to clear my head especially after today. The fussing and whining is about to drive me crazy. The first thing I'm going to do when I get on ship is book myself a massage. I'm going to miss all of you. Wish you were going too.

Not sure what to do

ferretmom's picture

Sd has severe acne, I buy her skin care product and I'm not sure what she does with them. Any way last night H mentioned that it has gotten much worse and that maybe we should get her this stuff he had just seen on tv. I say it's very expensive and it would be better if he took her to a dermatologist and get a prescription. Well that set off another argument about how mean I am to her and that it shows that I don't like her. WTF??? I try to be nice and this always happens. I tried to explain that severe acne can cause permanent scars and when it's that bad otc products don't help.

Just want your opinions

ferretmom's picture

H has had custody of sd since she was 4 and we got married when she was 10. In the 6yrs between it has become apparent that the majority of the time sd was either with her grandmother, an aunt or a sitter. When he talks about that time it's always about going on fishing trips and parties. Never about activities that the two of them did or events concerning sd. Also I get the impression that H was a man ho. When he does talk about sd at that age it's always about what kind of trouble she caused at school and other public places. The scary thing is that it's always with pride.

I don't believe it

ferretmom's picture

Now H has upped his campaign to get me to miss my trip. He follows me around asking me all pitiful what he's supposed to do. He wants to know who is going to take care of him and sd while I'm gone. I tell him take care of yourselves, you're both adults. The only worry I had about being gone was about my pets but I made arrangements for them to go to a sitter. I don't trust either one of them to take care of my babies. It's amazing that when the whinny, poor me act doesn't work he gets contemptuous, but that's not working either. He accused me of abandoning my family.

Counting the days

ferretmom's picture

In less than a week I'll be on my way. I can't wait to see Nassau and the Grand Bahamas. Two weeks on the cruise ship and a week in Charleston. All that blessed peace and quiet. I won't know how to act. I'm all ready, got everything packed, passport and traveler's checks. I just wish that all of you could come too.

Am I the only one

ferretmom's picture

who feels like we're living in an episode of The Twilight Zone? I never know from one minute to the next what is going to happen. One second he's in a good mood and all lovey dovey then the next it's Mr. Hyde. God forbid any one say that his precious snookums is less than perfect. I swear there are times I can hear the vacuum seal break when he walks away from her. Their lips are planted so tight to each others butts it creates a vapor lock. I feel like I've been sucked into a badly written soap opera. All the melodrama and angst is giving me an ulcer.

How do you tell him

ferretmom's picture

How do you tell him that it's time to put on the big boy pants and act like a grown up?? :? H is still planning on what he will do with his share of the refund. He has these unreasonable plans to build himself and sd super computers. I could understand the need for a more powerful system if that where how he made his living but all he does is play games on it. That's all sd does too. Besides MIL bought H a new computer for Christmas last year and there is nothing wrong with it. I've been spending mine on redoing the bathroom, FIL and I worked all weekend on it and it looks great.

OOPS she did it again

ferretmom's picture

Well sd opened mouth and inserted foot again. MIL sent her home today because sd insulted her. I can't believe how thoughtless and mean she can be to her own grandmother. She had MIL in tears. Sad One thing we have in common is what she calls arts and crafts. I've been teaching her how to quilt and we both love to knit and crochet. I told her that later I would teach her needlework. Since we moved to TN I have helped (taught) her how to can and make jelly.

Just Curious

ferretmom's picture

Sd has decided that she is going to be a nurse but when asked why she says she doesn't know. We have tried to explain that it takes a lot of hard work to become a nurse. This is a person who won't clean up after herself and has bullied other kids into doing her homework for years. She has never shown the least little bit of compassion or empathy for anyone in her life. All she cares about is herself and what she can get from other people. What I want to know is if any of you are nurses and why you became one?
