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ferretmom's Blog

Inner Goddess

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Ladies I think every one of us needs to go for a day of pampering and find our inner goddess. That's what I'm going to do tomorrow. I've booked a day at a day spa for the total treatment and as many mimosas as I can hold. I guess you could say I'm preparing for what's waiting at home. I say we find our strength and kick some monkey butt. Biggrin

Didn't know it was this bad

ferretmom's picture

I just got off the phone with H's doctor. He had gone over H's file at the VA and I am stunned at what he had to tell me. I was told that H didn't retire from the army because his ex was unhappy with him being in the military. NOT!! He was denied reenlistment for refusing to take his meds. Apparently he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and social anxiety disorder. :jawdrop: I don't see how he has managed to function for as long as he has. The doctor believes that with medication and therapy H will be able to live a normal life.

Ice cream kisses

ferretmom's picture

As much as I enjoyed my trip there is nothing better than sweet, sticky ice cream kisses to make me feel better. I loved getting pampered and spoiled, the food was out of this world. I went dancing every night, saw several shows, had a massage just about every day. I went snorkeling in the bluest water I've ever seen. But nothing compares to cuddling and playing with my little grandbabies. That gave me the most happiness and comfort. I talked with my son and he has given so much support.

Will be back in port Sat.

ferretmom's picture

The ship will be back in port Sat and I was planning on staying a week in Charleston. But I changed my mind and will be flying to CO to spend a week with my grandkids. Sat is the girls' third birthday and I can't think of a better way to end my vacation. My lawyer is taking care of the IRS problem and is looking into ways to take care of the rest of my problems. I've missed you all and will tell all about my trip later if anyone is interested.

Hugs and Kisses

I'm so screwed

ferretmom's picture

I just checked my e-mail to see if there was any thing from my kids and got a bomb dropped on me. There was a notification from the IRS that H still owes them money and they want my return. Stupid me I thought he had that all cleared up so I filled jointly with him this year. I spent most of my share on this cruise and now they want it like yesterday. He owes more than what we got back. The thing that really sucks the most is now no matter what I do it's on my record because of him.
