Focusonthepos's Blog
Anxiety over bedroom distribution
Hi everyone! My husband and I purchased a 4 bedroom home last year. He has SD15 and SS13 who each have their own bedroom. I am pregnant with our first ours baby who will be given the last empty room for his nursery.
After this one I know I want another baby. I am getting so much anxiety that my husband will prioritize his older kids and their "privacy" while they're here and allow them to keep their own rooms, which they spend a lot of time in. (We have them alternating between 2 and 3 days a week but they only spend the night every other Saturday.)
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Is this rude or is it just me?
When my boyfriend drives SS10 and SD12 at the end of their visits, I always say bye to them and they say bye back. This is important to me because I think it shows respect and makes me feel like I am important to their visit/it being enjoyable since I do so much for them. When they were younger, boyfriend used to make them give me hugs, but they've aged out of that. I've told him a few times that I expect them to say goodbye and that he can help me by reminding them to.
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child support feels like robbery
Hey everyone. Before I get into this I wanted to say that I fully support my DH supporting his kids in a REASONABLE manner.
Backstory: BM makes around 24,000-maybe 30,000 a year. DH makes 80k-over 100k at his job when you factor in overtime. They were married for 8.5 years and has the kids (10+12) Sunday 12-9, Thursday 5-9 and every other Saturday into the Sunday beginning 12PM Sat.
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Stepdaughter doesn't hug me
Me and SD12 have a close, friendly, very cordial relationship but she never initiates hugs. She hugs her friends, family members And even her uncle's new girlfriend who she has known for less time than she has known me. It hurts my feelings. When her dog died i tried to hug her but she didn't hug back.
I am too fragile/sensitive to try again. Should I just drop it for now? Spouse says if she's not comfortable it's okay.
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