Freedom2005's Blog
Good things/Bad Things
Well, in the first place, in response to my last blog, we are still together. We went to the counselor and I told him that I would not be tossed away and still used as a nanny when I knew he would be knocking at my bedroom door in a month. We agreed to make a more detailed list of who does what in the house. I told him that I would try not to say nasty things about his kids to him, but to instead come to him calmly about my concerns. Doing this has changed things. He may not try to change things, but he does listen, when I am calm. It is NOT easy for me. I would rather yell and scream.
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The End
So he broke up with me, I speak my mind to him and he breaks up with me. I told him he needed to parent his own kids. That he and his kids were spoiled.
This might be my last post on blog. We are suppose to go to the counselor on Thursday and find out the best way to explain this to the kids. One of my friends said that maybe going to the counselor will change things, I doubt it.
Well, I can say this, now he will have to take care of his own kids. It is no longer my problem.
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Vacation.... the aftermath
Vacation went well I thought, until I got home and started to think about it. While on vacation, SS13 had some issues and he talked to his Aunt Perfect (not her real name of course) about it. This is BF's sister. She is the ultimate mother and housekeeper. She walks into my house and starts cleaning and asking her nephew and niece to help her. Does not matter that I am sitting right there. Anyway, SS13 and Aunt Perfect had this talk and ever since, he has wanted to live with her, he even asked his dad about it. He wants to live with his aunt because "it would be less stress" for him.
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Resentment comes and goes..... so does BM
I have noticed that SD11 gets really clingy when she stays home more. When she goes to school a whole week, it does not seem as bad. I mean, what do you do when your BF won't spend time with both of his kids? It is not even me really. His son tells me he wants to spend more time with his dad but that he feels like a third wheel when he is with his Dad and his sister. BF says that he does not connect with his son, that his daughter is more like him. Ya know, it breaks my heart to see this keep happening. SD11 had her birthday in April. We had a big party for her on the weekend after.
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The paperwok has been signed!
BM is returning the paperwork Monday to the Lawyer to be filed. BF is now going to be Custodial Parent! The kids are still doing ok, they have been a bit more rebellious, but I have been home a lot these last 2 weeks and both my kids and his kids are doing chores!
It does kill me... he says, "have the kids do the dishes...don't worry about them" then does not have the kids do the dishes. Then complains when they don't get done.
Sigh, no rest for the weary.
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Kids were told they are not going back to MOM!
Wow... she actually did it! A BM that knows she cannot handle her kids.
Monday, BM, BF and SD10 and SS13 went into the counselor's office. BM told her kids they would be staying permanently with BF and just having visits with her. All adults involved thought that the kids would flip out, especially SD10. There was no freaking out, the kids took it fine and everyone was shocked by it. The counselor even sent the adults out and asked the kids again if they were ok. Still no tears or breakdowns!
However, the kids did ask a few interesting questions.
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Counseling for me today, BF tomorrow.
Ok, so after the last blow up, BF and I decided to sit down when we were not angry to talk about things. This works remarkably well, take the anger, get rid of it and think rationally. Well, our blow up was on Wednesday, now it is Monday and no talk yet, I was getting antsy. So after my session today, I confronted him. He said he wanted to talk to our counselor before talking in length to me. I was gracious, nothing was RIGHT NOW demanding. It can hold for a few days.
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Had it out with BF last night about SD
So once again, I left the room (to take a shower) and came back to find only BF and SD10 cuddled up watching tv again. SS13 playing games in another room, not so strange, and my girls are at their dad's.
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Ah, the SD once again has his attention
I am beginning to hate school breaks. I honestly look at this 10 year old child and think that she has him wrapped around her little pinky! It pisses me off!
Sunday night, we were laying on our bed, cuddling, strange enough. I have been very happy with this of late. He has been more affectionate. He gets that way sometimes. I really like those times
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Update on Family Christmas
I had posted about my anxiety on visiting my family in another state.
Well, we went, stayed in a motel and it was ok.
It was nice to have our own space, but it was strange not staying with family. It was very much less stressful. However, my dad was very sick, so I did not get to spend as much time with him as I would have liked. My father's wife decided to change WHERE the party was going to be, from her home to my sister's, at the last minute.
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