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frustrated-mom's Blog

Dear DH, Please shut the hell up about your brat

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How do I explain to my DH that I no longer want to hear another word about his brat? She's still a disrespectful little bitch that's not welcome in my home and I want to pretend she doesn't exist.

Every time I tell him I don't want to him to discuss what to do with something with SD15 like what to do with the Christmas gift problem (she told him she didn't want anything from him, to leave her alone and to f**k off), he gets all upset and storms out of the room.

So Sick of Everyone Kissing SD’s Ass

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I’m so sick and tired of there never being any consequences for SD15‘s bad behavior. I’m waiting for her to get her just desserts, but everyone around her just coddles her and makes sure that poor SD15 has everything she wants and never suffers any negative consequences from the problems she’s brought on herself.

Having Stepkids Ruins Christmas

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There already was Christmas music playing at a store today - Perry Como’s Home of the Holidays. It got me thinking that this illusion of the perfect Christmas the media has been trying to sell for the last century is so completely unattainable in today’s day and age with blended families.

We try to stage this perfect Christmas event that fits with this image of Christmas we’re indoctrinated with, but it’s never going to work with a blended family.

There’s no longer the family gathered around a Christmas tree or the dinner table like in a Normal Rockwell painting.


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DH had the audacity to ask me to apologize to his daughter for things she heard WHILE EAVESDROPPING.

Is he demanding that she apologize to me for all of her horrible behavior towards me when she was living with us? No, because he knows she’ll never do it.

But he’s perfectly willing to throw me under the bus, blaming me for all the problems so he can seem like the good guy and father of the year.

Normal Long Distance Visitation Schedule Question

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I was wondering what’s normal with long distance visitation schedules.

My DH doesn’t have a formal custody arrangement - his 15 year old daughter is currently living with her aunt and uncle out of state because she was so hateful and disrespectful towards me in my home that I would not allow her to continue live with us. (The BM had her parental rights terminated and is out of the picture).

I Hate Weekends - DH’s Life Revolves Around His Kids & We Don’t Have Any Time Together

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I need to rant. This is the second straight weekend that I’ve barely seen my husband. More and more now his life is revolving his boys’ sports teams or flying up to see his daughter. His sons are becoming entitled brats who use guilt to manipulate him and infringe on his time.

DH & I have very little quality time together and it’s been months since we went out together and did something as a couple that didn’t involve his kids.

Finally Permanently Rid of SD15

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Well, the saga with SD15 is finally over. She’s going to go live with her BM’s brother and his wife. DH is filing the paperwork to give them guardianship of her so they can enroll her in school.

SD15 had been staying with her adult half-siblings for the summer and it was so calm, quiet and non-stressful without her around. I was dreading her returning.

I've had it with her behavior and am no longer going to accept it.

SD15‘s Report Card - She Failed Five Classes, Even Art!

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SD15 can’t even pass an art class. She was taking six classes, failed five of them and only passed PE (amazing!)

It’s no wonder, since she absolutely refuses to do anything at school. She won’t do homework, doesn’t even both to do tests or quizzes or turn in assignments. I can’t believe how ridiculously easy it is to just scrape by these days in high school with binder checks and ability to retake tests and redo homework until its 100% correct. But no, SD doesn’t bother. School is beneath her.

Worst Weekend of My Life, But Now SD is Gone

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I’ve been dreading this weekend since SS (6 and 8 ) would be visiting. Every time they’re here the past few months has been a nightmare, but this was worse than ever. But afterwards, I finally feel like there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s not going to be easy, especially for my DH, but once we make it past this, hopefully things will get back to normal.
