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Stressing about Holiday schedule with my EX...

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need some advice....

How do most people do holidays? As some of you may know, my BD4 has been with me since she was born, her dad has been in prison from my pregnancy until April of this year. They have begun EOW visits and it's going okay, she is adjusting, although she is not too happy about going there. He and I have not discussed the upcoming Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays...and I know this is the point where I have to start sharing it's hard. What's "NORMAL" and how should I bring up an arrangement to him? THANKS!

Okay don't hate me for this.....

FutureSM's picture

But I have read so many posts about disengaging. I have noticed that my BF has somewhat disengaged from my BD(4), and I can tell y'all that if this doesn't change, I am DONE with the relationship. I do not see how anyone can have a happy, healthy, functioning home when the parents of the house diengage from the children. It doesn't work for me. Am I wrong or just not getting it?

OT - I want to work from home! Any ideas?

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I want to find a job working from home. I miss my daughter and want to spend more time with her. I feel like I could enrich her little mind WAY more than they do at daycare, but when I get off work I am EXHAUSTED and need to relax/wind down.

I may be feeling this way because FH has been out of work since June. And it's starting to get to me. I have so much around the house I want to do, and no time to do it! So frustrating.

Same BS that everyone here goes through, but I am pissed that FH won't stand up to BM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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GRRRRRRRRRRR. So BM the other night let my FH know that she would "let him see his daughter, when she SAYS he can..." because we are behind on child support. So he pretty much cursed her, but then, at my suggestion, called her back and said "sorry for the cursing, etc., I just feel like you think I am out of work on purpose, I am not that kind of guy/dad, blah blah blah.

OT - Problems with my daughter's biodad...PLEASE HELP

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I am having some major issues here. A little background info: My daughter began visitations EOW with her dad when he got out of prison in April. Everything has begun to transition with her being okay over there on his weekend visits without her freaking out and wanting to come home. However, I feel like he stepped out of prison, right onto a high horse.
1. He doesn't think she is clean enough when she comes home from school (on his fridays that he picks her up).

~she is a 4 year old kid at daycare - why would she come home sparkling clean...???

I got snapped at by FH for nothing...

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Just proof to me that he feels guilty for only having his daughter EOW. But that's all BM will allow, it's not his fault. Last night my BD(4) was kind of whimpering that her back was itching (she has severe eczema) and of course I reached over to start scratching her back for her. FH made some snide comment stating how my daughter has me "wrapped". I retorted, "my daughter has me no more 'wrapped' than your daughter has you 'wrapped'". The point I was trying to get across was that I love my child just as much as he loves his, and that he needs to stop downing me for it.

Do you think BM is withholding visitation because of CS?

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So, FH has been out of work since the end of June, due to medical issues. We missed CS in July and August, which he hasn't missed in the last 10 years. CS usually goes to pay for after school care, etc. which FSD(10) doesn't have these expenses anymore. We were very apologetic to BM about the fact that we would probably be behind a few months, but would catch back up with her as soon as we could. She told my FH that they were going to have to forclose on their house, etc. So we were feeling really bad.
