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The time B* tried to get my money....

halo1998's picture

Beaver is very money driven.  Not enough to make it herself. Nope she just wants everyone else's money while she sits on her fat Beaver tail watching TV, napping or shopping.

Somewhere around custody battle number 2, DH and I got married and he moved into my house.  Yes...I know..why marry a man who is always in court and has two kids....oy...

We are in court and of course the subject of child support is brought up.  Based on the fact that Beaver now has a JOB...(holy crap an actual job) and DH was awarded almost 50/50 custody, Beaver's child support was set to go DOWN.  OH MY NOT will she survive.  She NEEEEEEDDSSS all of the child support, even though she is still living with her parents and has almost no expenses.  DH and I had filed a joint tax return which we had turned over for the child support calculations, but, only included DH's W2.  Mine was withheld..because you know NOT MY KIDS.  However, doing some simple math you determine that I made more than DH and I was making 6 figures a year.  (I'm good at what I do for living and have some specialized skills).  Dollar signs must have appeared in Beaver's eyes when she saw the numbers.

What is a Beaver to do.....CANNOT HAVE A CHILD SUPPORT REDUCTION.  Halo makes bank.  Beaver and her attorney come up witht the bright idea to petition the court for a piece of my pie.  DH's attorney comes back from the court chambers (DH and I were in a conference room) PISSED.  He explains that Beaver's attorney has motioned the court to have my earnings entered in as DH is living with me.  

OH HELL TO THE NO.  You know the Harry Potter scene when he eats the candy that makes his head steam...THAT WAS ME.  I was pissed.  I also knew my righs and had no intentions of giving anyting to the Beaver.  I was ready to divorce DH and kick him out before that would happen.

So..I marched my 4 foot 11 inch person into that court room with DH's attorney.  I entered myself as my counsel and addressed the court.  

"I understand that a motion has been made to enter my earning into the defendant's child support calculations.  If that motion is granted I will motion this court for a continuance so that I may retain MY attorney.  I will enter a motion that Beaver Sr. (Beaver's Mom) and Mr. Beaver (Beaver's Dad) earnings/assests be included in the child support calculations as well as Beaver resides with them and has for over 3 years.  I will also petition this court for a full forensic accounting of  Beaver, Beaver Sr. (Beaver's mom) and Mr. Beaver (Beaver's dad) as well as DH to find ALL assets and income."

The judge looked at Beaver's attorney and asked.."Based on that information do want to continue with this motion.  I am inclined to grant Halo's motions to enjoin Beaver Sr. and Mr. Beaver in these proceedings should you contine and I am also inclined to grant her motion of a full forensic accounting of EVERYONE'S assets."

Beaver looked like a deer in the headlights...her plan for my money just turned into a plan for her parent's money.  They had way more money than I did and if included Beaver's child support would further be reduced.  After a VERY brief conversation, Beaver's attorney decided to withdraw the motion.  Then judge then ruled that all third party incomes would be barred from being included from child support calculations.


BOOYAAAAA....That solved that issue from ever being brought up again.  None of Halo's money for Beaver.  


Moral here...don't F with Halo's money......Halo is ready to go to war and take no prisoners. 



justmakingthebest's picture



You rocked that!!!! 

BM here knows better than to come after me or my money. We keep things separate for a reason. 

Thumper's picture

GOOD FOR YOU HALO....My hero of the Day!!!

This money grab is nauseating. I am so sorry you went thru this. Very proud of you Halo!!



ESMOD's picture

My DH's EX would tell him to get me to pay for things.... luckily she never got the idea to try to include my earnings in any calculations.

The only way that there would ever be a theoretically reasonable way that a step-parent's money might go for child support might be in the case where the bio parent is intentionally not working.. because their spouse makes enough to cover all bills.  In this case, I might consider it reasonable to impute the amount that the BP "could" be making and factor a CS judgement on THAT amount.. still not step parent's obligation to pay it.. but their spouse may face consequences if it isn't paid.

halo1998's picture

was that before my career in IT I was a paralegal for 5 years.  During those 5 years the attorney I worked for did...collections.  I worked on collections for banks and a state taxing entity. I even did reposessions during that time.   I was good at finding assets and money.  I knew what a forensic accounting was and how to use it.  You bet your ass, I would have sent requests to every known banking institution in my state and the surrounding states for information on Beaver Sr and  Mr. Beaver.  I'm very very good at finding information since it was my job for quite a few years.  If they had assets, I was going to find them.  If they had skeletons in their closet..I was going to find them.


Dh's attorney, however, knew....because I did a lot of the paper work for DH's case for him.    

CLove's picture

In the event that Toxic Troll & her paralegal step mother (yes, she has a stepmother, you would think she would have some insight, or emathy or...whatever.) try to take my income into her calculations for an increase in child support. I feel it is on the horizon, am almost hoping, so that we can "clear the legal air", and get rid of her threats of "taking him back to court".

It would be a difference of a few hundred dollars since DH doesnt have an increase in pay from 2 years ago, but I dont relish Toxic Troll getting her grimy T-rex claws into any more of DH's hard-earned money whilst she sits in her troll-cave grimy apartment collecting her disability from a 4 -year-old head injury. 

Here where I am in California, they do not use my income in the calculations, but in the event that tax returns are required, because we file jointly, I will keep in mind to ONLY use HIS W2. Ive read that you can file "injured spouse", after the fact to keep your income away from being "taken into consideration". 

Its been 2 years. I told my DH that she can have things reviewed after 3 years. 

Isnt it funny? Theres even a meme on it - we steppers know more about the terms, conditions, rulings and paperwork than the bio parents seem to. Case in point, when DH made his last Troll-support payment in mid march, Troll had threatened to take him back to court to both up the child support as well as troll support. So either she is too stupid to know her own paperwork, or she was stupidly trying to create fear in order to control him. 

I had her sign a note stating that her troll support was paid in full.

Love the Beaver Chronicles.


SM12's picture

That's a feel good story if I ever heard one.

BM never went after my money for CS but tried in other ways.  She brainwashed MSS into hating me because "I didn't buy him things like BMs SO did" (MSSs words) And that by buying him things he would feel like I was more of a MOM because that is what they do.... barf!

Well surprise surprise I don't want to be your MOM MSS.   He was a rude nasty little spawn way back then so my money stayed MY money.   He would also hit DH up for whatever I happen to buy my BS.  I was the only parent providing for BS and I could afford to buy him nice things.  He appreciated what I did for him.   If I bought bs expensive tennis shoes then MSS would tell DH he wanted them too because bs has them.   It didn't take long for DH to make it clear that SM12 was paying for these things. Cause DH was broke.   I'm sure BM was behind the whole thing and I'm sure that is one of the reasons they PASd.   
Their loss because DH is making good money now and they aren't around to enjoy it

Kee-khe's picture


BM here can expect the same reaction from me! A few months ago, when she found out my husband and I had started our own company, she had the nerve to call DH to threaten him of increasing child support. Jokes on her, the company is mine, her stalker sister informed her wrong. Everything is under my name and she will not F with me, I assure you. Just came to find out she's pretty intimidated of me. 

SM12's picture

BM and her SO stay away from me and don't like the bear.  They learned very early on I am not one to mess with.  And it is also why MSS and OSS won't act nasty or rude in my presence.  They always do their nasty communication via text to DH.   

Ispofacto's picture

Satan wanted to punish DH and I when she found out we were in a relationship.  It's all about power and control.  He was already paying more than the state's guildlines.  DH is a good earner, so the amount covered all the rent and bills for her and her Mealticket.  She refused to work more than 10 hours per week, but was getting the large CS payment from DH, plus income from Mealticket, plus foodstamps, medicaid, section 8 housing, obama phone, energy assistance, EIC, etc.

She told him that since I was supporting him, he could afford to support her more.  So in essense she wanted a portion of my income too.  I wanted to ask her how much would be enough, 100% of his salary, or more?  She's shamelessly greedy.

Early in our relationship, she'd call constantly.  One time she called when we were in the car on our way home from dinner.  "WATCHA DOIN?", in her false cutesy voice, puke.  He answered on speakerphone, "We went out to eat."   "YOU CAN AFFORD TO GO OUT TO EAT?"  "I had a giftcard."

Let me get this straight.  He works.  He busted his ass to get a college degree, which he paid for.  Satan dropped out of HS.  She plays candy crush all day.  But if he has "extra" money, it should all go to her?  So she can waste it or worse things?  Should he be eating ramen every day?  Does she listen to the crap that comes out of her own mouth?

My son was only 14 at the time and he loudly exclaimed, "WHAT THE FμCK?"

WTF indeed.  I told DH, I'm not listening to that sh!t again.  Tell her it's none of her business.  Or tell her to get off her lazy arse.  Or better yet, don't answer.  But for the love of god, don't farking apologize or explain anything to that monster.  You're feeding her psychosis.  She's not entitled to an explanation.  Or an all expenses paid free life forever.  She's a parent and she has obligations.  She should be helping to support her child.

I'm sure she went to a lawyer to see if she could get a portion of my income.  We weren't even married yet.  So it didn't go anywhere at first.  But then she played games with his custody time, and it was on like Donkey Kong, and we married right before his custody trial.  Then she demanded his tax return, and everything was redacted except his income, which was already on his W2.  Her lawyer explained to her that she wasn't entitled to know my income.  I'm not a party to their action.  And she wasn't entitled to an increase, since she was already getting more than guildlines.  Ha.

Then she lost custody of her paycheck.  Haha.



hereiam's picture

Good job.

I would have done the same thing. BM knew better than to go after my money.