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happygolucky's Blog


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I've realized that one of the reasons I despise SD16 so much is because she is the most worthless, lazy, entitled brat on the earth. The entitled I can't do anything about, BM did that one. The worthless part is something she is going to have to fix on her own. The lazy part I am hell bent on fixing. I work full time, go to school full time and do the majority of child care for our BD3. SD16's ONLY chores are make her bed and load/unload the dishwasher and do her own laundry. THAT IS IT!!! It drives me crazy that she is so super lazy. She doesn't work.


happygolucky's picture

Just thought I would share with everyone that SD13 has lost 52 pounds as of today. We got custody of her in August and took her to the doctor to have it documented. She went in for shots today and it was confirmed that she has lost 52 pounds. The best part about it is that she never dieted. We just don't watch a lot of TV and she did sports! Way to go SD13!

Coming back stuipd?

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Does anyone else have the problem with skids coming back stupid after visiting the other parent? SD13 came back from spending spring break with BM and couldnt' make toast. She got mad and yelled at her dad because it was burning. I told her to turn off the toaster oven. That upset her and she went to her room crying. Apparently turning off the toaster oven is an event that warrants tears? Is it some new teenage crisis? SD13 has made toast hundreds of times. She knows how to make it. So my question is... Did BM slip SD13 a stupid pill? Why is SD13 now unable TO MAKE TOAST?

I Just Don't Know...

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SD13 told us this weekend that she wants to go back and live with BM next school year. BM remarried and SF has a criminal record. SF has two felony convictions for Domestic Violence with Child. Meaning that there was violence to or in front of his children. He has a no contact order against him. Neither he nor a member of his family can come within 1000 feet of his ex wife or their children. We have requested copies of the police reports to show her. BM told SD13 that SF has had legal issues but it was because his ex wife lied just to get him in trouble.

Allowance doesn't motivate her

happygolucky's picture

SD13 has become even more lazy. She now is refusing to do her chores. She gets an allowance ($20) for emptying and loading the dishwasher every night and wiping down the counters. Not too hard of a job. She says that she doesn't need the money or care about it. I'm about to scream. Any suggestions on how to get her to do her chores? I was thinking that she should have to earn computer time. Any other suggestions?

Shower time

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Does anyone have any suggestions for limiting the time SD13 spends in the shower? It's always a struggle to get her in there. Once she is in there she will take up to an hour long shower, if we let her. We've tried timers, they don't work. We've tried to talk to her about limiting her time in the shower, but that fell on deaf ears. Our last water bill was almost $500 FOR A MONTH! Normally it's around $110 per month. I'm desperate for suggestions that will limit her time without us having to police her and stand outside the bathroom door.

Ungrateful little witch!

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BF and I spent the day today drive for over two hours, each direction, to go to SD13's basketball game. After her game we took her out to lunch, her choice and went to a chocolate factory for a tour. We picked up a bunch of chocolate to take home. After we got home we made a pizza and watched a movie. A fun day, or so I thought. When we told SD13 that she had to get in the shower to get ready for tomorrow she started arguing, like she always does. SD13 knows that we need to be out of the house early tomorrow because we have a family day trip planned. We've been planning it for a month now.

How does she do it???

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SD13 flew back to spend Christmas with BM. We have had full custody of SD13 since August. SD13 was shocked to see what poor health BM is in. BM is now around 300lbs and her hair is thinning. SD13 has been working really hard to lose weight, and has gone from 211 to 183. She had learned proper portion control, and the importance of exercise (thanks to a great doctor and nutritionalist). SD13 has only been with BM for one week and she has turned back in to the psycho teen that I dread. She is back to yelling at her dad and is rude to EVERYONE.


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I went to watch SD13's volleyball game this week. I was dreading going because SD13 and I don't get along, but I want to support her doing anything that resembles exercise. She has already lost 25lbs since August. I was concerned about it being so drastic, but doctor said it was fine. Anyways, back to my story. I got to the volleyball game early and was watching them warm up. One of the girls on the team, being a smart ass spiked the ball in my direction as I was feeding my two month old daughter. I blocked it from hitting my daughter with my hand.

Maybe I do?

happygolucky's picture

DH said that SD13 is scared of me and that she thinks I hate her. I have never yelled at SD13, never raised a hand towards her or been negative towards her. It's been a challenge at times to be like that, but I have managed. I don't punish SD13, that I leave to my DH, which he doesn't do. I do catch SD13 in her lies, all the time. I know what she is up to, and inform her dad about her antics. If I am angry with SD13, I remove myself from the situation and cool off. This apparently scares SD13, and makes her think I hate her. Perhaps I do.
