happymostly's Blog
how hard is it to understand??
I will probably never understand this, I guess because I dont think the way BM does. her and dh dated for several years and were always breaking up and getting back together, maybe that is why she thinks that she actually has a chance again with dh, even though he has told her several times he is done with her, he is with me now, that he is MARRIED to me, (something he never did with her) and that we are together for life.
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wow bm actually agreed with dh!
so i went and visited my dh yesterday and today, and of course bm tried to keep calling him and saying that sd wants to see him (which im sure is true, but she also wants to see him!) and he was coaching a game and bm wanted to go with sd! i was likeeee uh that will be interesting. She ended up chickening out but let sd go, so i got to see sd after almost 2 months. bm let more info slip about her crappy situation and she knows she couldnt continue to fight dh about him getting more custody.
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bm is single again oh no
well bm JUST called my dh and was crying saying that sd wants to see him and 'that it didnt work out' between her and her man, which we were kinda figuring since sd a few weekends ago mentioned something about bm and her moving somewhere, but then her bf was with them last pickup, so dh wasnt sure. bm and her sister and sd are on the way to dh's apt (we are living a part right now while i finish school) not sure what the hell is going to happen now that she is single.
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awww sd made my heart melt and moving??
I was talking to dh on the phone (been a month and half that ive been apart from him Im trying to find a job where he moved to and its been almost impossible! very frustrating but anyways) and sd is there. Bm actually let him have her for a weekend thats not technically his, cuz bm is 'sick'. But him and bm have been on good talking terms this past week, thats a shocker.
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bm makes me mad
bm here is like alot of bms that i've read about on this site. Only thinks about herself and doesnt care what dh wants for sd. Doesnt care that he tries calling sd like every other day just to get no answer. She will only answer if she needs to tell him something or to ask him to watch sd for an extra day on his weekends. Dh's lawyer sucks too. they are trying to get a permanent order and dh wants more time/ joint custody and its taking forevverrrrr. He wont ever answer's dh's calls anymore. dh recently moved closer to sd so he can have her more (hasnt happened yet!
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Do your kids/skids have a bad memory?
My sd is 6 and she talks on the phone to dh atleast once a week (would be more if bm would let him! ) when he doesnt see her. Im away from him right now (been three weeks so far just until my school semester is over!) and I've talked to sd on the phone three times on his weekends with her and every time i ask her a question just about what she has done or what she has eaten she has to ask dh what she did/ate.
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ER visits and UTIs with 6yr olds?
bm and him dont have anything 'official' yet about who is supposed to carry medical insurance and all that but bm has state insurance for sd. So im not sure how much she has to pay on ER visits or medicine or anything like that (if anything...?) Im suprised bm didnt ask for money, but im guessing she didnt have to pay anything because she wasnt calling to ask for money...
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