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well sd14 since has not been returned. it is wonderful. her mother dumped her off on us mid-feb and this past tuesday they had

having a smoke on the patio's picture

well sd14 still has not been returned. it is wonderful. her mother dumped her off on us mid-feb and this past tuesday they had court to transfer residency. idiotBM thinks she is smart by taking her. we talked to police and they did well-visit check and everything but they cant do much right now, we are sitting back enjoying the quiet. anyway, since she has been back at her mothers this week, she has ditched classes and failed 2 here's my rant to her:

way to go kiddo! you are turning out just like your mother! im so proud of you! failing all your classes right now is a good move and throw in some ditched periods, you are securing your future on welfare. and what have you always said? "i can just get on the state food program if I cant get a job." Is your mom taking you dumpster diving this weekend too? maybe you'll find some copper you guys can sell for pot and smoke up together, hopefully the cops dont pick you guys up like last time. I just know you miss "blazin up" in your room with your skanky music. hopefully your half-sister's boyfriend doesnt ruin your good times by beating her up again or tearing up the house. her baby must be getting so big, to think he could have 3 other siblings by now if she hadnt done those "procedures." well if you get bored while you are over there, you can always send porn videos and pics of yourself to older men in the sex chat rooms, you have been falling back on that for about 2 years now, so that will pass the time. sorry i cant let your mom in over here to get your stuff. she really should keep track of what you leave over at her place, and well those threats she made against me, i cant really allow her into my home for your skanky clothes. sorry you're going to miss your root canal appointment and your other 2 cavity appointments at the dentist this week. maybe your mom can take you, oh wait, she doesnt "have time for that stuff" well try to remember to brush your teeth and dont drink too much coke and then maybe you wont have the dental problems. well, i cant say that we miss you around here, it has been so peaceful and quiet. i have been reading about disengaging from you and i think i'm all set if you ever show up over here again....well we are heading to A's soccer game this morning, have a good day and oh, your glasses are ready. and have someone check that that headlice isn't coming back. oh wait. i dont give a shit anymore, fuck you.


Shook's picture

LOL Smoke. I wished BM would take SS16 away. I'd gladly eat all the lawyer bills. But she made one too many threats so she can't even come within 300 feet to come get him & unfortunately he won't go to her. I envy you right now. So relish the quiet while you can.