I love dogs's Blog
Back to disengaging
My girlfriend invited the baby and I to breakfast this morning so we met her and came home about 11. I brought DH and SD breakfast and SD has been holed up in her room with the door closed. DH has a friend over and the baby is napping. They're in the living room.
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Having cake and eating it too..
This week is spring break so SD has been here since Saturday mostly hiding in her room. She hasn't showered since she's been here and has been wearing the same pajamas since Sunday- as in hasn't changed and I know that means undies, socks, all. I haven't said anything but I wanted to get out of the house today. I needed a hair trim and had a coupon for Great Clips so I invited SD since her hair hasn't been cut since November when I took her (and to get her greasy hair washed!) She didn't want to go so whatever. I tried to do something nice before her dance next Friday.
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SD's organizational skills
I posted before that SD took all 4 of the nice flannels I bought her to BM's now that we barely see her. Whatever. She'll come by every now and then to get an electronic or clothing item she forgot.
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Accepting new arrangements
Friday evening, SD showed up at 630pm. DH didn't mention it to me for the first time since this mess. He usually mentions it to me but not this time. I didn't make a stink- she really doesn't bother me when she's here. She sometimes asks about the baby but won't hold her yet. She does seem interested so I let SD pick out the baby's outfit for today and SD seemed happy to do so.
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Accused of not liking SD
Because on the way home from my dad's last night (my 2 aunts and uncle are in town to meet the baby), at 9pm, DH informed me we're picking SD up because there's no school tomorrow. He said he asked SD for a schedule but "BM won't talk to her about it" and I got onto him (again) for putting that on a child. Again, I told him to follow the CO but he doesn't want "just a few hours a week"..
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BM sent diapers and wipes for the baby
This was weekend before last when DH dropped SD off but why? It was 2 of the small packs of diapers (maybe 24 in each?) and 2 single wipe packages from Target. She also told DH that she and her mom, GBM who said my newborn looks 'Asian' (as most newborns do with their swollen eyes), want to meet the baby- again, WHY do they think this is their right? I told DH I don't want BM dropping SD off or picking her up and thinking she can come in and meet the baby. Just no! Also, for DH's birthday, GBM bought him a sweater as usual and a sock/ headband set for the baby.
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Thanks for embarrassing me, DH
My mom and sister have been visiting since Thursday and SD stayed the night on Friday and Saturday. My mom loves all kids and was glad to see her. My mom has also been sleeping with the baby every night in SD's room so DH and I can rest and enjoy time and my mom absolutely loves it. SD and my sister have been sleeping in the living room because we our spare room is now the nursery.
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Baby's here!
Baby girl born 1/31 at 8lbs 1oz and 20 inches after induction. The entire process was only 20 hours and she came after only 20 minutes of pushing (but 2nd degree tears). I am so overwhelmed with love and joy and DH has been so great. I'm finally pumping enough that he can help with night feedings and she is just such a good baby. She looks just like me with DH's eyes and hair color. And she was born with so much hair which was surprising!
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OT Update on pushy friend
I didn't get pushed back so DH and I are heading to the hospital in about 2 hours. We dropped our dogs off with his brother and are going home to do laundry and have dinner. My friend has been bugging me all day and I just told her I needed rest.
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OT being induced and very stressed
Long story short, my best friend is an L&D nurse so I am delivering the baby at the hospital she works at. I'm being induced tomorrow at 40 and 5, Saturday night if they're busy. Everyone and their mom is blowing up DH's and my phone asking when she'll be here.
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