jojo68's Blog
Memorial Day Bummer
Hope everyone had a good Memorial Day...mine was was ok but I had some damage control to do with my son after my BF daughter and he had an argument. Princess has always got to be the center of attention and be into everything. My son is very good with a video recorder and was recording an event that we attended. My son was doing his thing and she came over to see what he was doing and try and tell him how to do it of course. She was in his way to move his arm to move the camera freely and he asked her to move.
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OT- Should I be worried?
After the birth of my last child I had a tubal ligation. Just clamped..not cut and burned. I have been feeling kinda weird the past few days...super sore boobs, cramping after sex, and really tired. The chances of pregnancy with a tubal are almost none existant but I've heard of it happening. I am really starting to get worried...anyone know anyone this happened to or to you personally?
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Mother's Day
Hope everyone had a super terrific Mother's Day! Mine was very uneventful. My Bf's 10 year old daughter went to her BM for a couple hours so that was a nice break from her. She is getting worse about constant nagging and whining so a 15 minute break from her is nice. I'll take what I can get. In the last couple of weeks, I have completely detached from her. I am nice to her but I am very unemotional. I don't even try anymore because it is draining me and upsetting me.
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OT-Title at Work
I was asked what my title was at work today and I don't really know. LOL I work for a major farm equipment/residential equipment dealership. I order/inventory all the complete goods (everything but parts)for 10 locations. I also am in charge of HR at this location, order office supplies at this location, make all travel arrangements for all 10 stores, all administrative assistant duties at this location, assistant the owner with any sales he makes (do the contracts and all associated paperwork and collect fees).
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Apartment Hunting
Well girls (and guys)...I have decided with a very heavy heart to leave my situation. This guy doesn't love me...he keeps me around to make his life easier...I want to be more than that and damnit I deserve better than that. I only wish the best for Princess. Maybe one day these people will wake up to the harm they are doing to this child. I'll keep in touch...thanks for the advice and the hugs!
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Reality Check
This weekend was the first weekend in a long time that my BF daughter was not there. I am thinking....we will get to catch up on some much needed one on one time. We went a couple places...came home watched TV....nice and quiet. All my hopes of having a nice quiet weekend alone with my guy were pretty much ruined by my BF's depression over his daughter not being there for only a day and a half. He moped around and talked about how much he missed her. I'm at a loss in what to do.
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What do they learn in school?
I am usually the one who helps Princess do her homework. She is nearing the end of her fourth grade year. I have always suspected that Princess has ADD but the school has never caught it so I'm probably wrong. She attends a public school in's the deal...she has a hard time with reading and comprehension and still reads aloud, does not know how to write in cursive, can't add and subtract without counting on fingers, and doesn't know her timetables yet. She makes the A-B honor roll most of the time so it isn't her not doing her work or failing tests.
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I am jealous of doubt. I hate myself for it. I do question myself though. I had a SD from a previous marriage, I was not that way at all. I really enjoyed her. I never felt any of the feelings I am feeling now. Perhaps it is the situation...My ex-husband gave her a lot of attention when she was there...we planned our weekends around her...I actually missed her when she wasn't around. What gives??? I can only think it is the difference in the personalities. Princess thinks about no one but herself. She is possibly the most annoying child I have ever been around.
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Been kidding myself
Last night I came home from work with a pinched nerve in my neck and was in a lot of pain. I took some motrin and backacke meds and it took the edge off so I could function but I was still hurting. I made dinner and watched TV.....all by myself on my side of the room in the recliner while the BF and his princess lay curled up together talking on the other side of the room on the sofa. No one said anything to me but to ask a couple questions about homework, not even to ask if I was ok because I could barely turn my head.
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Going Out In Public...Just need a vent
I have gotten to the point of not wanting to go out in public with BF and SD9. I am embarrased...I feel like such a loser when we all go somewhere. I guess it is because I am completely left out most of the time. When we go to the store SD rides in the cart and hugs on dad while begging for everything that catchces her eye (and gets most everything). Not only is that annoying but very distracting. I have gotten to the point where I just go down another aisle so people might not think I am with them. Isn't that awful of me but it is embarrassing.
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