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I shouldn't care more than you.

jstorie's picture

So I went out with a friend to do a wine and paint class. DH took sd14 to counsling. He did not talk to the counsler about the things we talked about. for instance drugs. he said he approached the subject. he told her that you may not od from taking one medicine or you might you never know. really? how about say some of the side effects of meds? i just said whatever then. i said i guess i shouldn't care more than your right? we think she took pills that didn't belong to her and you have nothing to say about it. he got his feelings so hurt. im not dealing with it any more. done. disengage completly now all i have to figure out is how to do "family" things and not let her get to me. and how to not be a bitch while learning. when u have a failure of a daughter. don't come crying to me. becuase i will tell you. i told you so.


jstorie's picture

How do you completly disengage like that? any tips. i find myself wallowing...

3familiesIn1's picture

It takes time.

I decided something you wrote in your OP, I can't care about DHs kids more than he does. I hate to see a kid without a jacket when its cold. I have 2 children, DH has 2 children. DH doesn't enforce my authority to his kids - so they ignore me. Even if they hear me, if DH doesn't say it (or even if he does) they ignore me.

Kids, its going to be cold, grab a jacket when we go to the park.... DH obviously can hear me too. My kids are toasty, DH is freezing because his kids didn't bother, so he gives his jacket to one of them. I use this as an example because it happens once a month at least for the past 7 years. What can I do? Really? Why should I care.

I came to the thought, if the skids act, speak, get grades, grow up to be whatever is good enough for DH and BM - if they feel their children are meeting their expectations - then who am I to change that or step in. It doesn't matter if I totally don't agree with how they are being raised, how they act or how they do in school - if DH and BM are 'proud' then why was I trying to bust my ass to do better for those kids - nobody wanted my help - not BM certainly, not the skids and when I inspected - not even DH. Because to do better for the skids meant more work for DH. Its HARD work and CONSTANT work to be a parent.

So, I focus on my kids, I keep DH informed of my choices for my kids but the skids will only benefit if DH engages with his kids to offer the same. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't - he is never consistent.

Another simple situation, BD15\SD15 - BD gets her hair done by my hairdresser - some fun things, cool cut, temp color etc. DH complains SD's hair is terrible because BM takes her to mutt cuts and SD looks like a Sasquatch (his words, not mine) So I remind DH that he can bring SD to my hairdresser if he wanted to. (remember, I will not do this for him, if I took SD and BM found out - well screw that) DH is too lazy, he says yes yes yes that would be great. OK DH, let me know when you want me to make an appt (I will do that for HIM) Nope nothing, I don't remind him, I don't ask again, I leave it on him. When he brings it up again how SD looks, I say nothing. I am disengaged.

Day to day events, I make meals, I make what I want and enough for everyone - if they complain, DH can deal - if HE wants to make a second meal for them, by all means, I make one meal, I serve, I eat, I clean it - I could care less if they eat or not - that has nothing to do with me.

Laundry - the kids are 9, 10, 15, 15 - I announce I will be doing laundry - bring your clothes and sort them into the piles and I will process them through the machines. If skids ignore me, I proceed without them. If they have no clean clothing, DH can wash them if its out of cycle - you snooze you lose. My kids seem to hear me, my kids bring their clothes down - his ignore me - DH's problem.

This is how I function.

Jsmom's picture

It is the hardest thing to do. But, it is not your kid. If the Dad and BM don't care, it is on them. I warned DH continuously about SD and lack of boundaries. He didn't get as harsh as I would have. So when it got worse with the lying and manipulating he woke up. Too late and too much too fast. So she sued to live with BM. She left and now at 18, barely graduated HS and piercings and tattoos and lots and lots of drugs. Now we have no relationship with her at all.

I am good with that, but what a waste of a life that could have been. All that had to happen, was her parents had to co-parent and have some boundaries and her life would have been fine.

jstorie's picture

Well mom is out of the picture. i have been mom. but not rtrezated well by her. so i just have to let go. do you guys look at her stuff and bite your lip not to say anything or just be done? how do conversations go. or watching tv or simple stuff that seems to be hardest?