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June's Blog

SS wants to borrow my convertable for prom!

June's picture

So funny that yesterday was mothers day and not even a word was said to me. Then today... SS goes to DH when I'm not around to ask if he can borrow my convertible for his prom when he picks up his date. He KNOWS it's my car and he tried to just skip right over having to ask me. Well thankfully DH said that he would have to ask me before it's ok. Apparently he mentioned to DH that he didn't know how to ask me. That's too bad because I've always been an open person and have always been kind to him even thou he dosent do the same for me.

Oh Mothers Day, how I hate thee

June's picture

So today is prob. My least fave day of the year. Skids fell awkward about it too. They never know what to do. Some years I get flowers , some years I get cards, but most of the time I don't even get an acknowledgement. Sometimes one if them will do something and the other won't it's very strange So far I haven't even gotten a hello. Later were going over to my MILs house and I'm sure there will be a big flower arrangement on her table from my husbands ex. His ex and mother have been spending more time togethor lately which is why I have no desire to go and do this... But I will.

SS sucking away all my fun and free time with hubby

June's picture

Just feeling down bc it was a beautiful weekend and Sat during the day my hubby was at work and I was home on my day off, alone, cleaning the house. Then when he got out of work he picked up SS13 and then came home. It was such a nice night and iveould have LOVED to have gone out with my DH. But instead we sat home, watched boring tv and listened to SS talk non stop and ask stupid questions about what we were watching. Today, DH and I worked in the yard he worked in the back yard, me in the front, then we parted ways ( he took SS) and we ran some errands.

Ex suddenly warming up to MIL

June's picture

So before I begin, please don't even bother responding with the response of your MIL or your DH's ex can be friends with whoever they like. I know these things. They are grown women who can do what they want. The thing here that concerns me is that my MIL and I have always had a great relationship and when my DH and his ex were married she was not that close to his mother. They got along and that was it. They never went out places together or hung out or called to chit chat.

So mad!

June's picture

Basically I'm more upset at DH right now then I am at anybody else. He allows his oldest son 17 to freeload like it's nobody's business. He is about to graduate high school and as luck would have it he is going to school to be a mechanic and his father works in the business and is a manager. My DH told me long ago that he was going to have his son work at another place before hireing him


June's picture

My SS13 has got to be the moodiest kid around. If I didn't know better I'd think he was on his period. I mean he's off from school for the week and he hates school so you'd think he be happy. He spent time with his grandmother on Friday and he LOVES his grandmother. She brought himto the mall and bought him a new xbox game and lunch. Sat he spent the day with his mom ( who is his favorite person in the world) and they went to a family birthday party at a zoo. Then today we took him out bowling and out to dinner. He got plenty of sleep last night and he is SUCH a miserable grump.


June's picture

My SS13 has got to be the moodiest kid around. If I didn't know better I'd think he was on his period. I mean he's off from school for the week and he hates school so you'd think he be happy. He spent time with his grandmother on Friday and he LOVES his grandmother. She brought himto the mall and bought him a new xbox game and lunch. Sat he spent the day with his mom ( who is his favorite person in the world) and they went to a family birthday party at a zoo. Then today we took him out bowling and out to dinner. He got plenty of sleep last night and he is SUCH a miserable grump.

Trying to find balance

June's picture

So I'm trying this disengage thing with my SS13. Seams to be a popular word around this site. I'm finding thou that it's harder then it sounds. I have always tried to be a part of, to show that I was capable of being a trusting adult / friend to my SS13. He has always from day one not been fond of me. Tonight he us here and I tried to disengage and what little I said to him I was told by DH that my 'tone' is angry. Even if I'm not saying something mean. It's so hard for me to try and be happy in my home, act normal, have a pleasant tone but also disengage ..

Anxiety, Stress... must be the weekend.

June's picture

Well I had it good for a litte bit. We didnt have SS's all last weekend or last week. Now we have SS13 tonight and all day tomorrow until about 7pm. We useally get them (SS17 has a life and is useally out with friends)for a portion of every weekend thou. DH is on his way over now with SS13. I already have anxiety and can feel the stress welling up inside me. It was so nice and relaxing without him here. I wish I could look forward to seeing him.. I really do try. But im finding that trying is my problem.
