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Just54321's Blog

just a vent-dreadign skid wkend

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I'm dreading the skid weekend. DH is having an annual moral boosting picnic at our house so I can't not be there and selfish SD14 already had the nerve to ask dadddykins if he could drive her and friend to mall tomorrow. You'd think he would have the balls to say "no we have 50 people coming over, I'm going to be busy" but he didn''s such a turn off to see my DH be such a pushover wimp to the kid that treats him like garbage.
THIS is why I make myself scare every other weekend so my "vision" of my husband doesn't get ruined twice each month.

When do teen skids stop visiting?

Just54321's picture

Hi, I have 2 teen skids and they live in another state and are with us EOW. We are at the point where I leave MY home EOW because I cannot stand to be around these kids nor watch my husband act like a pathetic fool waiting for his kids to pay attention to him. They aren't rude or dirty or mean. They are nothing. They do and say nothing all weekend long except for staring at their phones all day. I hate it when they are here. It brings no one any joy - not them, not my DH and definitely not me. I don't know why any of them bother but they do....
