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kalaodell's picture

He finally did the paternity test just awaiting the results. but that's whatever. I don't know what do to do it's a competition between SD and DD that's not even 2 yet. The comment she made this weekend was quite bratty. " I have more toys than she (DD) does. Says the SD. Petty shit but still it's like you come to my house and play with my DD toys and I mean she has a 13x13 room filled with toys. And a trampoline and we have a pool and a huge playscape but still not the point. What can I do to make it so there's less competition. I don't think they will get along when they are older if the competition keeps going in the direction it is


tog redux's picture

So if she's not his, are you hoping he won't see her anymore? What if he doesn't agree to that?

justmakingthebest's picture

Toys=Love to your SD, we know this isn't true but to her it is. She is announcing that she is more loved. Why? Because her parents aren't together- it is all a competition. Your DD has mommy and daddy all the time. SD doesn't. I am not saying poor pitiful SD the COD, I am saying for a young child, this is common and makes sense. 

Try not to let those comments get any reaction- Just nod, and say "Cool story". Then move on. 

What are the plans if SD isn't his? 

fakemommy's picture

I disagree with above and would start teaching her there is more to value in life than just stuff.