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Kevin The Man's Blog

And limbo is good. LONG

Kevin The Man's picture

I have recently told my SO that I love her, I love her two boys but I am also happy that she has asked for space because that gives me the freedom to not have the responsibility that is 'THEM' first and foremost in my thoughts. She was a bit taken back. I wrote for her a long email that outlined our issues and it was divided between her issues with me, and my issues with her. We have discussed these on certain levels and I have decided that whenever we reach a crossroads that I will circle the issue, and save it for a councilor that I hope to soon be able to afford.

OK, I am not getting the outpouring of advice I had hoped from my last blog!

Kevin The Man's picture

I am looking to hear advice, good, bad, ugly about how I should approach this. Was it because I accidentally mentioned her name and you all are named Heather?? Haha
She has recently told me she needs space, and I am a guy, I have issue with that but after thoroughly pissing her off with text messages that she will rarely now answer, I will. I have a new conundrum though. My parents are coming to this new town for the first time and I want them to meet her, the kids, and the dog. What terrible timing. Anymore advice for the ol' Kevin The Man??

Recent e-mails

Kevin The Man's picture

> There's so much love between us, but there's
> also so much that we just butt heads over time and time
> again. Yes. Last night I wanted you, wanted to make love to
> you and would have if you'd touched me. But the anger is
> there. And when it surfaced so quickly, it just made me
> think that we're better off apart. I spent most of
> yesterday either in tears or close to it and have woken in
> the same state. I know that you're furious with
> me, and maybe you need to hate me to let go. I don't

Wanted- full size punching bag with chain hanger.

Kevin The Man's picture

I need to re-cap to make this all make sense. I was told that even though I took the week off from work to go to Tybee island with my SO and two SSs and the MIL, that I wasn't going to be able to go because MIL wanted the week to be about her and the boys. At the time SO and I had been arguing and she didn't want to deal with that at all and just wanted boy time. I was miffed gloriously and made it known that if the situation was reversed I would tell MIL that she had to like it or lump it.

Buckets and Peeps

Kevin The Man's picture

Hello Everyone!!
My name is Kevin The Man (named by godson and it stuck ) and I would like to first say that this is an awesome site and I have gained A LOT of insight as to my own behavior and that of my SO with the very valuable comments from very wise blogging people. The abbreviations take a bit to get used to though (meh).
