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kim1960's Blog


kim1960's picture

Well we finally met with the attorney yesterday to discuss the case which is set for trial April 24th. BF and BM both have indirect civil contempt charges against each other for various violations of the JPA and the divorce decree. Mentioned to attorney that ss has been talking about playing basketball with his friends the last few visits. When BF asked BM about it she said to ask ss. Well ss is only four so he didn't know where he played, if he had regular games etc. So we were just lost as to if he was just playing with his friends etc.

Two Ex's....5 kids

kim1960's picture

Can anyone tell me exactly what the rules are for child suport when their are children by two separate mothers and two different payments are made. 1st ex wife has two children with boyfriend and 2nd ex wife has one. So is it 25% of his income for the first 2 and then another 20% for the third one? The reason I am asking is the he is paying both moms the same amount and 1st ex wife has two kids. SD is 16 almost 17 so there is only another year and half to go until support is no longer paid on her.

Does it have to be bad???

kim1960's picture

You know I have been on both sides of the step parenting issue. My ex and I divorced when my sons were very young. Call me crazy but I always hoped when my EX was involved with someone that she would like my sons. I did everything I could to encourage their relationship with her. It made me and them I think both feel better. I didn't have to worry about them getting their feelings hurt because the new girlfriend was acting like she didn't want them around or like them etc. or was mean to them. It just made things easier for me.

What's the point?

kim1960's picture

Last week BF asked BM to be able to see his son Saturday from 12-5. She said yes and he emailed back saying that he would pick him up at Shop N Save (the usual drop off /pick up point) at 12:00. She said NO you have to come to her house. He said NO I will pick him up at the usual place. She said she had placed a call to her attorney and would advise him. The next thing you know BF is getting a call from his attorney saying he needs to negotiate a pick up point/drop off point for Saturday. At $280 an hour for the attorney you can imagine what this would cost.


kim1960's picture

Can anyone share their experience with me if they have taken BM back to court for violations of the Joint Parenting Agreement. We have been told that they are not really worth the paper they are written on. That after you spend $$$ taking her to court over it the judge generally slaps her hand and tells her not to do it again. We have a long list of violations including but not limited to: changing daycares with out consulting BF, not notifying BF of serious illness and dr.

Will It Ever End???

kim1960's picture

BF emailed BM to see if we could have ss this weekend from 12 to 5 since it was his weekend for visitation. BF had stopped overnight visitation because of BM's accusations of us saying "adult things" in front of ss, our not feeding him properly etc. BF still sees son for Wednesday night visitation and he and BM always meet at a store halfway between the two homes at 8:00 when visitation is over. Well BM decided to consult her attorney and have her attorney call our attorney to say that the usual drop off place was not acceptable. Apparently it is only acceptable on Wednesday nights.

Court Yesterday.....

kim1960's picture

BF had court yesterday. Had attorney file petiton for Indirect Civil Contempt against BM for her constant violations of the Joint Parenting Agreement including but not limited to: not notifying BF of serious illness (staph infection) the 4 yr old had, of two trips to the ER because of it and not notifying BF of surgery needed for it after 4 yr. old was admitted to the hospital. BM also took him out of state from 1/3/07 to 1/25/07 when she is only allowed to take him for a one week period 3x a year.

Does anyone else feel this way?

kim1960's picture

In the seven months that have past since the EX has found out about our relationship and impending marriage she has made our life a living hell as you can probably tell from my other post. I didn't write about all she has done in that post but there has been plenty. Among the highlights, accusing us of doing "adult things" in front of the child etc. She has also accused me of doctoring her emails to my fiancee, of harassing her at work by phone etc. Of course she cannot prove any of these accusations as I have never done any of them.
