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Kitty721's Blog

Sometimes I get so angry..

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at BM, that it is hard to just let it go.. I have definately improved my coping skills in this arena in the last few years.. However, I still have thoughts of scratching the sh$t out of her car, toliet papering her trees, sending her email address out to various spam sites, ect... All this because I step back and let DH deal with her directly. I do not communicate with her unless I have to. It is not easy seeing DH have to deal with her selfish behavior day in and day out.. And it is very frustrating to have no control of certain things that effect my family.

Money, Money, Money....

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Long story short - DH pays ~$700/month in CS. CS agreement states BM is to pay first $250 of medical bills for SD, the rest is split 50/50. BM claims that she can't afford to pay for SD new glasses, which BTW, she has know were needed for 5 months. She says she has too many bills. She assumed that DH would pay for 1/2... and asked if they could ignore the agreement this time... They are $160 total. DH did not have any $$ the day SD picked out her glasses, and he told BM just that.. She demanded to know if he was going to pay or not.. he said "I don't know".

How did your skids react... ?

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How did your skids react when you and DH got engaged? Did he tell them before he proposed? Did he do it in front of them? Did you have any issues with BM when she found out you were planning to get married? I've been waiting for a long time for DH to officially ask me to marry him... We have discussed it and we know it is something we both want.. but it seems like the timing is just off between us.. We decided to buy a house first and then plan the wedding. However, I certianly thought we would have gotten engaged a long time ago..