lac925's Blog
Don't know whether to laugh or cry...Rant over SS11
Well, we barely survived another weekend with the skids, and I gotta tell ya, it was a doozy! Just when you think it couldn't get any worse, it does!
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SS11 has NO respect for BM...ROFL
BM thinks shes the MOTY, accusing DH and I of "verbally and physically abusing" her kids (or in OUR case, asking SS11 to stop harassing SD9, and DH physically (but not harmfully) moving SS11 away from SD9, who he was KICKING!), and saying that our house is unfit for her kids (what, because we don't have a thousand animals running around, and we have food in our cupboards, and it doesn't reek of smoke everywhere you go?)...and just basically thinking she's better than us.
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Skids to skip school so that BM can get an extra day off??? Uh...I don't think so!
So, after a month away from the skids (long story short: BM didn't want them to come over anymore because SS11 made up lies about DH and me...Big fight ensued...DH stopped getting them), we are getting them back again (tomorrow, to be exact). When they get here, they will have Christmas presents to open - both from DH and me, and their grandparents - so they have a LOT of incentive to come over now.
A New Low for BM - I Guess She Really IS That STUPID!!!
DH finally got on BM's case about SS11 STILL not being able to read - even though she recently got a hefty disability cheque for his ADHD (which I'm assuming is to help with learning supplies, etc) - and I couldn't believe what he told me her response was..."He's only 11." :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
CAS can see right through all BM's bullcrap LOL
Just a short add-on to my last post - I thought this was too funny
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A New Appreciation for SD9 O.o
So, we got the skids for the weekend - it was the first weekend with them after the wedding. And surprisingly, nothing got broken :jawdrop: When DH was getting the skids, BM told him that SS10 had the police over at his school (TWICE!) because he was throwing rocks onto the yards of neighbouring houses. And now, he has to play in the little kids' yard (because of the extra supervision). BM told DH that she suspects it's "because of the wedding" and all the stress of his dad getting re-married ... WHAT-THE-FUCK-EVER!!! SS10 showed no signs of stress while he was at the wedding.
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Wedding Bells and Whiny SKIDS :S
Well, DH and I FINALLY (after 7 years) tied the knot All throughout the planning process, we were debating having the skids there. We figured it would be nice to include them, but then, we'd see their behaviour EOWE and think it'd be best to spare ourselves the embarrassment in front of our guests (they have THE WORST table manners, they constantly fight, they are rude and disruptive).
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I can't believe people can actually be THIS stupid! (RANT)
A little background info on what's been going on: at the beginning of summer, FDH had a blowup with BM (she was demanding where her CS was, regardless of the fact that there was a holiday so mail was delivered late - his CS goes through FRO; and she proceeded to call him every name in the book rather than talking to him like a human being) so he didn't pick up the kids for the whole summer - aka the BEST summer we've had in the last 7 years!
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FINALLY getting what's coming to her!
So, for the longest time (don't ask me WHY), BM has been getting the same amount for CS - even AFTER FDH's family business burnt down and they had to rebuild (which in turn caused him to take a pay cut). She's been getting the same amount even though her oldest daughter (SD11) does not live at home (due to the hostile environment at home, she's had to move in with her grandfather, BM's dad);and I doubt she's giving her dad SD11's portion of CS even though she tells FDH she is (but you can never take BM's for their word).
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Every summer, FDH and I are supposed to take the kids for a week (a VERY LONG week at that!). Well, every summer, BM always-always-ALWAYS creates some kind of drama (IDK I think she finds it uncomfortable when she actually gets her way so she needs to stir sh*t up to make things feel "normal"). For example, 2 summers ago, the day we were supposed to take SD9 out to dinner with the grandparents, FDH told BM that he needed an extra weekend off (from getting the kids) for an event with work - BM's reaction?
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