lastchance's Blog
There is a bun in this oven..........oh god!
If anyone read my post earlier today, I was freaking out because I might be pregnant...
Well, I took a pregnancy test on my lunch break today and I'm pregnant. That damn test said it could take up to 3 minutes and it took about 30 seconds for it to say..."hey lady, you're knocked up"(I used a stop watch...I am a fruitcake)
Holy Crap!
I thought I was freaking out before, but wow, nothing compared to this. My hands are shaking as I type.
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OT...kinda. I think I might be pregnant....(and I'm freaking out!)
So I'm on birth control (the pill). I take it everyday at the same exact damn time. I set a reminder on my phone so that I take it every day. At the beginning of this past pill pack I was sick. I had diarehea (sorry TMI), for almost a week and a half straight, with a day or so of relief from those symptoms, but only after taking pepto bismal. Now flashforward to this past week and.......I'm late. Eight days late to be exact. My "friend" usually starts like clockwork and I thought it was starting last week, but it was just a false alarm.
BM brings out the worst in me.
In light of another's blog, it got me to thinking.
I have a fairly volatile temper. I can get angry in a flash, but just as quickly my temper subsides. I blame it on being an Aries.
I spent a lot of time in college figuring out what set me off and what I should do to avoid "blowing up". I majored in Psychology, so that definitely helped.
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vent...sorry. I hate BM.
So I just found out, that BM's soon to be ex-husband, has cut her off completely. She drained his bank account (again) right after he was paid and he has now taken her off of his account so that she no longer has access. She had fed him some b.s. before about she needed to have access to the account or the kids would get taken from her.
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CS arrears and jail time?
BM just text messaged me asking if we(I) had made a CS payment yet this month. The answer is no, because I'm not paying it anymore and DH doesn't have a job.
BM continues to say that she doesn't understand why DH doesn't have a job because it's been six months and he should have one by now.
Well, BM, you don't live in our state nor do you know or understand our situation.
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OT-What kind of car would you recommend?
So a few weeks ago I was in a car accident and my car was totaled. Things with the insurance company are *finally* winding down, so I should be able to really start looking for another vehicle now that I know what I'm getting from them.
Anyways, I was wondering what you all think is a good car and what you would recommend.
I am looking for a car that is:
1) Safe!...I have bad luck. I have been in 4 accidents in less than 3 years, totaling two cars. Only one of these accidents was my fault. The others people hit me.
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Father's Day...should I get something for DH when in all likelihood BM will not have SD do anything?
I know with Father's Day coming up, a lot of us are worried about the skids and the holiday. I am one of the masses on this one!
BM sent me a picture message today of SD5's two adult teeth that are now coming in, saying "We don't have dental". In the picture the teeth are MAJORLY crooked/leaning in (they're right next to each other).
My response: "They might straighten out when she looses her other baby teeth and there's more room, otherwise, sucks for you!"
--BM's message forwarded to DH.
Ha ha BM. You will receive no pity or support from me anymore! Jerk.
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OT-My friends husband may be going to jail. I don't know what to tell her.
One of my best friends is in kind of a delicate situation at the moment. Her and her husband have been married for a little over two years. She told me they had already started trying to have a baby, but as of yet, no baby. I don't think they've been trying for long.
Would you hurt your own pride to help your own kid?
The reason I ask is because BM text messaged me yesterday. This woman pretty much only operates by text messages. I wasn't with DH when I got the text so I waited until I was home, since ya know...I'm not dealing with BM anymore.
Anyways, the long and short of it, BM wanted money to get SD5 some meds. She said that SD's asthma has been acting up lately and that she had had her in the ER the night before because of it. She told us that she really needed nebulizer meds for her and that they were $40 and she didn't have the money.
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