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Papers served, lets party!

looloo's picture

So the papers were served on DH and I must say, his reaction was a bit amusing though not really surprising! I had a feeling this was what was on his mind for quite a few days and my daughter just confirmed that DH asked my SIL "would it be ok to date while the divorce is being finalized?" So see he doesnt want to look bad to SIL because he deeply respects him but yet he was DYING to make that profile so he could lure some poor sap into his one man show! Look at me! I am a radio talk show host, I am dynamic! And the VERY first word in his profile "HONEST" hahahaha now y'all dont spit out your coffee! He puts on his profile he is "Honest" AND "divorced"! He was served the papers yesterday!!! Does it happen THAT fast??? How do you explain on your first date...Im honest but I lied and Im not divorced yet! What a weirdo! 

I really do believe he is giddy right now! Looking for that next narcissistic supply has him all a flutter with anticipation! 

Although my ego is a tiny bit fractured I am actually elated today that he seems to be moving on and not thinking more devious thoughts on how to seek revenge. That is one thing I can say about he LOOKS is far more important that anything else, even money! He will always make more money...he is good at that, but to look bad? He can't take that! 

It all proves that I was nothing more than a reflection for him! When I stopped showing him his greatness he longed to move on to another mirror. He is but a shell of a human, no soul! I know through all you good people here on steptalk that I must greive that part of my life, that I gave 20 of my most precious years to a man who throws me aside like an old pair of shoes...On to the next! No need to waste my thoughts on her! Its ego will heal! I am happy he will continue to work. We still need him to carry on. He is still part of the business and the clients need him! I don't want a shattered mess on my hands! 

He told my brother "I hate what her father did to her" So there ya go! He found a useful villain to pin all of this is my fathers fault! Now he can go around as the failed hero..."I tried everything to fix Loo but she was not reparable...poor soul! We gave it our best" 

I hate that this is the story he will tell everyone we know but I guess it could be worse! I am a victim of childhood sexual abuse and I know it has had major effects but him using this as a sheild to hide behind his own dysfunction just goes to further prove to me what a disgraceful little man he is! He is a coward. If I want to blame my father, this is where I would. I chose a man to marry that is a COWARD like my father and weak in character! If he wants to blame dear old dad it should be right there! That I could no longer stand to see the cowardice in this man when it came to his kids! It triggered memories of my coward father who snuck around and destroyed his daughter when his wife wasnt looking! And this creep would sneak around behind his wifes back and indulge his daughter and allow her to twist him around her finger! That is lack of character. He is a weak morsel of a man! BUT.....

Today, I am free!  Happy mothers day to all the moms! 


shellpell's picture

Yay! Congratulations!!!! You should be very proud of yourself. It takes a strong brave woman to do what you did. Enjoy the rest of your life!!