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MadeMyBed's Blog

O/T second job blues

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So just working my full time day job each week still leaves me short each month to pay bills. So this past fall I had to suck it up and get a second job. But I really didnt want to waitress, etc. and have to give up my nights/weekends. I am fortunate I get out of work at noon on Fridays so I hooked up with a job babysitting Friday afternoons. Yep, babysitting. At my age (30s). How sad.

Ever blow up at DH like this?

MadeMyBed's picture

We are fighting, about the SSs of course, and how DH kisses their butts the whole time they'r here, how they lounge around and dont do anything, how I cant get on the computer, TV, etc. when they're here - you know, the usual 7 year long fight.

DH says something like "Its not their fault they live so far from me, its the only time we get to spend together, I cant help their mother is a biatch" and at this point I am so fed up of having the same conversation for 7 years, DH s frustrated of hearng the same conversation for 7 years and I blow up

"Whats that from?"

MadeMyBed's picture

I hate when my SSs ask this. For example: DH and I are joking about something and we might make a funny voice or say a funny line and inevitably SS10 and SS16 will say "whats that from?" implying that what we're saying is from a movie or tv show.

What I want to say: what we're saying is from a misty, veiled realm. A realm hidden by thick forests and tall castle walls. You have entered "Imagination Land" ever heard of it????