meneran's Blog
House cleaning...
At the beginning of our lives together, I used to clean the house every Thursday (big cleaning) so it would be clean for the little prince. I noticed, the house would ofcourse be clean until Friday, then on Sunday when the prince left, it would be like a pigsty. Especially bathroom.
Now i dont bother any more. I think the house is the messiest at the time he arrives. I wait till Sunday morning (midday) until he is finished with bathroom, then i start cleaning it... and the rest of the house!
How do you do it? Do you even bother?
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It's time for summer vacation... plans! :)
Well, as the title says, its time for summer vacation plan to be made.
This time the kid (ss9) wants to join us. (Keep in mind, he is the only kid).
He demands summer vacation to be 2 weeks long!!!!!!!!!!!! HA! Beat this one!
Im conteplating not to take vacation at all. At least not in his school holidays period.
Im not about to entertain 9yo for 2 weeks in foreign country. No fkn way.
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I need your input on this - I was the one with the problem!!! Really?!
So yesterday we had family lunch. We were going to a restaurant with some other family members. SS9 was with us this weekend so he went as well.
Where it goes all wrong:
Everyone is taking seats. BF is asking his son 'do you want to sit here?' pointing to a chair on his left. 'No, I want to sit here!' answers the kid, pointing to the chair between me and my BF. BF doesnt say anything, he seats the kid right there in between us, and letting me sit on the last chair at the end.
Trying hard to keep it cool
The bitch knew that we cant take the kid this week just because there are school holidays. The world doesnt stop around his free days you know.
Even though the bitch knew that, the mental torture started as early as Monday. Kid calling twice about how hes bored at home and how he wants to be with daddyyyyyyyy.
Bitch knew that normal people work 5 days a week, at least 8 hours a day.
Bitch made the kid call today to ask if she can drop him at bf's work at 1:30pm on friday, and return him after 7pm sunday. Because bitch has some things to do.
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SKid and BF... what do you think?
This weekend was spent with SS (usual eow). Everything was so-so ok, until about 1 hour before we had to bring him back. The kid started throwing a fit, bawling his eyes out and talking incoherently about how he doesnt want to go home.
My bf thinking -oh, my son misses me so much...- and i am thinking, yea, maybe that, maybe something else.
The story went.. the kid started crying and squeeling about how he doesnt want to go home because - get this ... HE DOESNT HAVE ANYBODY TO PLAY WITH AT HOME aaawwwwwwwwwwwwww.....
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BM asking things..
Last night was kinda funny. Depending on how you look at it.
First she called to inform my bf to drop the kid off at late sunday... get this... because 'he always cries when you bring him home'.
Like he is not gonna cry if he stays 2-3 hours longer? Fucking stupid bitch.
Then around 9:30pm she sends message stating this 'Do you have a laptop for (the kid)'?
BF replies, 'I only have my laptop, besides he is too young to own a computer now'.
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Keys to your house, and your skids...
Hello everyone!
Last night I was thinking, how do you guys handle your house keys situations? Do your skids own a key to your home?
I know its too early for me to think about that, but ss9 will grow and eventually key issue will come to the table.
I don't want him to have key to our house. It is not his house, he lives with his mother and that should be his primary residence. He only visits eow now.
If you handed over the keys to your skid-s, when did you do that? How was it done? Was there problems?
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Summer vacation, hotel room, and SS9
Hi all, i am just wondering, when you guys go on vacation with your skids, how do you handle accomodation?
My bf wants to book double room, which means one bed for us, and one helpbed for ss9, in the same room, in the same space. Basically means no sexual activities during the entire vacation.
I am not thrilled. I wanted room with at least somewhat separate sleeping arrangements. He claims the kid would be too scared to sleep in the separate room in the place that he is not used to.
I am beyond shitty at this moment.
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We don't need bigger appartment ...
Yesterday we (my bf and i) discussed our appartment a bit. He said we should consider moving to a bigger place (we have 2 bdrooms), and he said 'what are we gonna do when we get a baby, where is my son gonna sleep then' well i said hes gonna sleep where he sleeps now. He was concerned what if we get a girl, then they cant really share a room. Whatever really.
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Happy New Year ... NOT.
First of all, Happy New Year to everyone.
This one has started shitty already...
SS9 was with us for Xmas eve, the next morning he was returned to his aunt (bm wasnt there as far as I could tell), and he only agreed to that because ofcourse, he would be getting more presents. Whatever. We decided we would spend new year night alone anyway even though bm tried to push the kid at us numerous times.
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