Mercury's Blog
Has this ever happened to anyone in this group?
DH is convinced that if he were ever to lose his job, he would be sent to jail for nonpayment of child support. There was "some guy he used to work with" who lost his job and then suffered one financial setback after another and was actually thrown in jail for being so behind on CS. I don't buy it. There has to be more to the story. Why wouldn't someone file for CS modification the very same day they lose their only source of income? Doesn't that make more sense?
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OT-- I've kept myself way too sheltered from social media.
Warning-- this is just a rant and may come across as catty/bitchy/smug.
I want to hear from all of the experienced steps in here
...those of you who have beaten the odds and have come out of this with strong, solid, successful marriages.
How do you do it? If possible give exact coping techniques. I feel like I'm starting to alienate my husband because of my hatred for BM.
Edit: Labor Day Weekend
Because of the EOEW schedule, we have been stuck with my husband's son during every three day weekend holiday this summer. This is not what I came here to complain about though. I know many of you have your skids full time and I have it relatively easy. Also, I worked...voluntarily...during the other holidays so I wasn't as resentful as I am now.
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Oh look, DH is re-writing history.
Hi everyone! I haven't been here in a few months. My husband's daughter, age 12, hasn't been coming over during his weekends. Funny how that works, huh? His PITA daughter out of the picture = me happy as a lark.
Anyway, we got into a bit of an argument this morning and I cannot believe 1) his selective memory and 2) the "memories" he created in his imagination.
Do any of your SOs do this? It's maddening.
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And.....THIS is why I should know better than to try to vent about skids and BM anywhere other than Step Talk
I belong to a small FB group where people come to shoot the breeze, talk about movies, TV, music, vent about family matters, etc. I've been in the group for a couple of years and feel fairly comfortable jumping in on conversations and even venting about some of my own problems in the appropriate threads.
I got inspired by Glitter's got her groove back blog
Mine was in a MUCH different context but I also wanted to attempt to take back my home.
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What about Father's Day?
I didn't want to hijack askYOURdad's blog about recognition on Mother's Day but I do have a question about Father's Day.
I don't have any bios. I am that woman who puts up with the "father" part of my DH because the man himself is just so wonderful and (so far) he's just worth the extra hassle that comes with him from his past life.
Should I acknowledge him on FD?
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OT -- I went to the Google search bar to search for Step Talk and guess what I typed instead?
I'm not kidding. That is what I typed. Parapraxis anyone?
Another skid weekend out of the way / another boat load of resentments to get over
I reached a point this weekend where I point blank asked DH to just give up on his kids and let their crazy mother have them. Don't even try to have a relationship with them until they are adults or at the very least willing to step up and maintain a relationship with him that is independent of their mother. Not a proud moment but that's how bad it's been lately.