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Interesting timing, DH

Merry's picture

I am currently in the ER waiting for CT results. Nothing life threatening but I am in some pain and have been all day.

DH chooses THIS time to bring up holiday plans with his kids in Skidville. I wish I had the ability to puke on command because here I am in the perfect place for that.

All I said was that we can talk about it when I'm feeling better. 

So he's pouting. And my GAF response-o-meter isn't working.






CajunMom's picture

Seriously, DH?? I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Let him pout. Further, if it were me, once I was feeling better, I'd call out that crap behavior of his. What a jerk move. 

hope you feel better soon.

Lillywy00's picture

Dudes be having zero chill when it comes to discussions about their extensions

This dude here waited till we were on a "romantic" date (where I paid) to talk about wanting his son to live with us full time. 

I couldn't even enjoy my meal and when we left in separate cars, I took the LONG way back to the house (contemplating the horrible life I'd be living if I had to deal with his spawns 24/7 like he does) and hoped he was joking  

They purposely wait till you're vulnerable (your spouse thought he was slick - knew you weren't gonna die but you were vulnerable and likely to agree to his outlandish skid request bc of your mental state - then pouted like a man child when his plan was thwarted) or when they think your very relaxed and buttered up to say the most ridiculous things regarding skids. 

Anyways hope you're feeling better soon and your spouse learns to chill tf out about bringing up heavy topics during inappropriate times. 

Harry's picture

Your DH is showing what a jerk he is.  I my state I would tell him there is no holiday this year. You are not cooking and cleaning.  Most likely will not be able to go anywhere you don't want to go

Merry's picture

Quick update. Nonspecific pain. It's possible it's a side effect from another drug I take. Still feel rough but better than yesterday.

As to DH. He has no filter and says whatever crazy thing comes into his head--he's a spoiled brat sometimes. He's been more vocal about "missing my kids" lately.

We're about to take a bucket list trip so I can't claim frailty and inability to travel. So I'm resigned to going. And I have family near Skidville that I'll be glad to see. Doesn't make it fun though. 

Catmom024's picture

Glad you're feeling a little better.   I hate the holidays now.  We don't see the skids or their offspring because they are currently punishing their father, but I cringe at all the commercials this time of year how "FAMILY is everything " and commercials featuring grandparents doting and fawning over their grandchildren.   Plus I have step related PTSD and live in dread of one of his kids, or my SO, wanting a reconciliation because of  ThE hOlIdAyS.   A lot of skids have basically ruined holidays for step parents.  

CLove's picture

Im glad you are feeling better.

YEP. HE!!idays.

Feral Forger Im sure will make it and make a point of ignoring me, or whatever.