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Milomom's Blog

My beloved cat died...and SS12 showed me his love

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My beloved cat (I'll call him Paws), who was like a son to me, passed away at age 11 a few days ago. I was nothing short of devastated. He was my baby and the pain is debilitating at times. To make it worse, BF left to go out of town the day Paws died & doesn't return until this Friday! I don't cry easily or often, but I've been crying for days now. Paws was part of my heart and soul. Everyone that knew Paws (even those who disliked cats), thought he was the coolest cat ever - a great personality, heart of gold, good-looking, friendly and didn't hurt a fly.

If you feel you can't take BM one more minute, read this...

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Hello my fellow SM's! I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to each and every one of you that use ST - whether to vent, to give advice, get advice, whomever you are. I want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I feel like I've literally had an epiphany (sp?) today. Like many of you, I have to deal with a BM that is lazy, practically unemployed, master PASinator, selfish, unappreciative, loser, the list goes on and on.

I'm new to this website and absolutely LOVE it

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I'm new to this website and found it while I was Googling for information about my frustration with my situation. It's amazing when I read all the different posts & comments and how similar my situation is to others'. I've been reading ST for a few weeks now because none of my family/friends can really relate to my frustrations, as none of them have ever dated or been married to someone that was married before or had children from previous relationships. I'm still learning all of the different abbreviations for things (i.e.
