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MiseryNMissouri's Blog


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Ladies, i love this site and the fact that we can come here to vent about our situations....I want us to remember that along with Venting about our crazy BM's, i would like to here about your families and how what you love about you and your DH's family...i am a believer that at times we come here to vent and relax that anger or anxiety but it is also important to look at the great DH's we have, also this will get at the BM's on here who need to know there efforts will not break us up...

Thanksgiving Day Drama, Not

MiseryNMissouri's picture

i wanted to send this ouT to all the ladies on here, i think that this is a great site with a lot of wonderful people on here using this as an outlet to realease some of the stresses of life...As we approach this thanksgiving day holiday i wanted to first say i hope you all have a safe and happy i want each of you to cherish where you are in life, even though our situations seem messed up, there is a reason that GOD has us here, so lets not be mad about our current situation lets embrace it and be thank ful that we are still alive...i have made a new vow to not let thin

BM and Life Stress

MiseryNMissouri's picture

This is just a quick nightly post for all the ladies on here tonight.....BM stresses us out so much and is at times so irritating, i wanted to pose this question....How do you relieve yourself of the stress from BM...


Step Moms.....Is This My fault....

MiseryNMissouri's picture

I am a free spirited person who loves my DH dearly, like every marriage we have ups and is what i would like comments teenage son, is now exploring "girls" if you know what i mean and am i wrong for asking my husband to take an active roll in talking to him about girls etc etc..i mean my son's BF is not in the picture and i really want my DH to talk to him but the issue is that my DH has told me at times that he has tried to make comments before and during one of these sessions out of frustration i told him not to talk to my son like that and that he is not his real fa

Divorce Article

MiseryNMissouri's picture

Ladies i read something last night that bothered me....a couple got a divorce and when they asked the lady what finally made the couple split she said it was the BM......Supposedely the BM was a vendictive, jealous, mean , straight up B.....The lady went on to say how the BM has lied repeatedly on her and DH, tried to break them up, brainwashed the child, alleged abuse, manipulated etc etc (you all get the picture)...the lady said she felt like she didtn have an outlet to get things off her chest ( is here)...she did admit she took a lot of frustration out on her DH and they arg

Advice Ladies

MiseryNMissouri's picture

I have a sister who is married to at guy that is a great father, takes very good care of his kids (they have one together and he has 2 from a previous relationship), spends every weekend with his kids that he has by another's the issue, he had a drug problem for the last couple of years and it on various occassions has caused him to do things that i belive he wouldnt normally do.....i was the one that told my sister to leave and dont look back and of course she didnt and to be honest to my surprise her DH has enrolled in rehab and has been clean now for 6 months and he has rea

Been A While

MiseryNMissouri's picture

I have had to take a leave from the site due to back surgery that i had weeks ago, but it never amazes me that i come back on here to find that BM are still crazy as it me or are real moms from Mars and BM from Venus....chime in and lets vote on who has the craziest BM...and second question is who husbands as endured the most....come ladies chime in...

1. Craziest BM
2. DH endures the most....

Step kids

MiseryNMissouri's picture

Ladies i need suggestions here, my DH is a wonderful father but my son (his SS) told DH last night that he shouldnt interfer with issues in his life because he is not his bio-dad....i mean i am sure everyone on here has dealt with this before, i know that my DH has good intentions but he at time exposes the lies, wrong doings that my son gets himself into so i think the impression is that my DH only tells the bad things in the eyes of my son...i believe that my son is just mad because DH catches him out there doing things he has no business doing and now DH tells me on a daily business that
