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OT- Work Rant

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My caseload has been going full boar, full speed ahead, 137 miles per hour busy since Christmas. It's like the Christmas rush never ended.

I'm not complaining, I'm happy to be busy since I get paid fee for service, which means if I don't work I don't get paid. I also work from home-which is definitely contributing to the exhaustion because if I'm not at my desk on the phone/computer for hours on end or stuck in the car forever, I turn around there is my house and my family waiting for my attention.

SOS need advice quick

mommadukes2015's picture

Brief bio-

SO has 3 kids: SS12, SD7 and our BD3.

SS12 & BD3 live with us. All 3 kids have different mothers.

Starting to sound like a logic puzzle? It's starting to feel like one.

Anyway BM2 (SD7's mother) has been very resistant to her little princess coming out to our house to spend time with us (for unknown reasons, SO has basically had supervised visitation for the past 4 almost 5 years for no other reason than SD7 not being used to "sharing her daddy"). I know I'm rolling my eyes too.

Child Support....

mommadukes2015's picture

SO CSU finally got an address for BM. I'm assuming they served papers on her because we received ours yesterday. I manage the finances and the paperwork in this house so I'm filling out DH's income/expenditure report.

I have listed SS12 (from BM1), SD (BM2 whom SO pays CS for) and BD2 (who is SO & I's child).

SMH BM Seriously

mommadukes2015's picture

So this past weekend BM's mom GBM came to visit (she lives about 10 hours away). We are in regular contact with GBM who LOVES SS to pieces. He's her favorite grandchild and while I'm all anti-favorites, I'm glad for once he gets special treatment (I can't give it to him, I have to raise him).

Anywho, BM asks to pick up SS on Saturday. I wasn't home, I forget where I went...probably the grocery store, but SS was gone from Saturday until Tuesday.

I guess it's my day to be annoyed by everything :P

mommadukes2015's picture

So this morning I woke up at 4:30. SS12 (today) has been wetting the bed lately. I took him to the doctor and there is no medical reason for this behavior and it's really embarrassing for SS12 as it's only just started happening these last few weeks.

He wakes me up, he wet, we get him changed, his bed linins changed and the old ones in the wash. No sooner do I get him back in his room, then BD2 wakes up with enough energy to fuel a small country for a decade. The time is now 5:45 and I finally get #teamnosleep back to bed, then SO's alarms start going off to go to work.

OT Power Outtage

mommadukes2015's picture

So last night just before dinner the power goes out. I cooked my favorite Tuscan Garlic Chicken and I was over the moon it had just finished as the power started surging. Power came back on roundabout 6:15 this morning.

We ate dinner by kerosene lamp and listened to BD2 lose her mind because well, she's 2 and has no idea WTH was happening. Needless to say we're going to skip the Chicken Little Nursery Rhymes.

I refuse....

mommadukes2015's picture

I'm tired so I don't know if this will make much sense... :?

I refuse to participate in whatever mind game it is that BM plays where she spews her lies to someone and just because they don't respond to it makes her absence, her lack of interest and her lack of support for her kids okay.
