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HELP! We take SS to his pre-k graduation tomorrow, and the school just let me know that

mrsparks's picture

BM has 4 people listed as attending. BM has never come to any event of SS's all year and she lives right around the corner.
We kept SS for memorial day and DH couldn't get a hold of BM as she was not responding to texts or phonecalls [he hates calling her]
So DH told BM that we would keep him if he doesn't hear from her.
She FINALLY sends back a scathing text saying that he better meet her to drop SS in an hour of else, and that she wants names and dates of the schools he's going to etc and that she expects a phone call from him immediately-

DH informed BM that he was granted custody of SS on April 8th and that he couldn't get a hold of her, and decided to keep SS today and bring him 1.5 hours to his graduation tomorrow.

SS was only staying with BM to finish his schooling, which ended, last Friday.

Now she keeps threatening DH and telling him "it's on" and called today asking for our home address, which I know she has, it's all over the court paperwork.

Does she have any grounds or anything else to call the police, because we didn't bring him back for one day, to return with him to live with us tomorrow?

Should we have the police on standby at the graduation tomorrow in case she shows out?
The teacher even emailed me this morning thinking that might happen-so they asked us to bring or fax a copy of the court order.


LMR120's picture

When was he suppose to bring SS to her? I dont think she can do anything about it. I know based on my BFs experiance with BM keeping the kids longer than she should that the courts wont touch it they say its a civil matter. So if all she has is this one case and your DH can prove that he tried to get a hold of her then i wouldnt worry about it. Also, you and your DH are not required to tell her anything. Trust me I know my BFs BM just switched SS5 school and didnt tell him until he was on his way to drop him off at his old school so no I wouldnt worry about anything.

mrsparks's picture

My stomach is in a knot.
I don't even want to go tomorrow, she is absolutely insane.
I don't know what she is trying to pull.

mrsparks's picture

Oh.. we have always kept him if a Monday fell on a holiday, and now that custody has changed, we didn't think she would mind, now that DH is the custodial parent, but out of politeness we let her know but she never answered, and when she did, we were even less inclined, she is mentally unstable.

HennyPen's picture

even if she wanted to try to start a big hooplah over memorial day if you have any type of log or text log showing your DH attempted to contact her she doesn't have a leg to stand on. It's her issue if she didn't respond. I know my attorney told me that if my EX didn't show/respond to pickup our DH after 1 hours wait I had no obligation to disrupt my day further for me to take my son and go along my day. His lack of interest and responsibility his loss.

have a copy of your custody agreement and a cell with 911 on speed dial in the event she tries anything at graduation. Other than that, go enjoy the special day.

mrsparks's picture

I'm seriously considering a restraining order,
I just don't trust her, she's actually scary..

stepmom2one's picture

he should have brought him back if scheduled to.

If he didn't she could file contempt charges, though once in court they would just say "do it again...."

and since he has full custody now it won't happen again anyway.
Why does the teacher need a copy of the CO? He is done with school now anyway....I could see sending a copy to the office so they know who to call when the child is sick.