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Mrsronny's Blog

Help if you can

Mrsronny's picture

I have a issue with my ss11. He keeps telling me he does not want to come the 6 weeks this summer that his BD is suppose to have. I can understand his reasoning and little bit in me is saying yaa time to our self and I do not have to clean up after or entertain but mostly I feel for my husband and how hurt he will be if ss11 keeps pushing this.


Mrsronny's picture

I am reading a few of these and realizing for the most part I am real lucky. I just need to vent a bit I guess. Being a step parent is really tricky and having to deal with people you more then likely do not like as in ex's is at the very least very difficult but then add teenagers and normal teen behavior and some not so normal it is just very tough.


Mrsronny's picture

I have never blogged so we will see how this works. I love my husband and his kids and my kids I hope one day it will just be our kids but last thing I read says it takes 7 years sigh. My ex seems to be great with his new kids as he ignores ours. Ron my husband now for the most part is great with the kids even my 17 year old who lived with us up till last month what a tough situation for a new marriage but he handled it like a champ. I guess what gets to me is he plays favorites with his sons. Granted he doesn't get to see them as often we only have the younger 2 boys every other weekend.