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Belated mother's day rant.

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Not even a rant really, just a long-winded "Really?"

So my mother's day plans were to finish my homework for the weekend, which included two case study analyses. I wanted to finish it over the weekend because then I'd be free to not have any homework during my minibreak this week, which starts tomorrow. We're going to a winery to have a break.

I found out at 9 AM on Sunday morning that my MIL and rest of family were coming at 10. To my incredulity, DH responds with "Well I told you yesterday, you must not have been listening."

Anxiety about BM's family

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Apparently SS's grandmother is going to be the one flying in to get him when his stay over the summer is over....

She might be a really nice lady, but after my encounter with BM's brother and SIL which never should have happened, I'm super anxious about any possibility of encountering any more of her family members.

Anticipating goodness

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Sometimes because of all the crap BM has pulled, when she does happen to do anything that really is as cooperative as she says she always is, I have a hard time pulling myself out of an instant resentment and negativity spiral.

Have to think of the best, or you'll always get the worst.

But man, that sh*t's hard sometimes.

Double Standards

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Does anyone have a BM, who when she isn't being a massive pain in the ass by witholding either custody or information, wants to be super helpful and sends you suggestions for places to arrange SS's daycare and suggestions for activities he can do while he's with you and your DH and food that he could eat that isn't "too" unhealthy?

And if you did, would it annoy the fuck out of you?

The usual.

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SS's mother picked the date acceptable for her for DH to go get SS for his summer visitation.

She made it clear in the first half of the e-mail to dictate how while she'd originally wanted to ship him off during the weekend, she decided she wanted to keep him there to celebrate Father's Day with his "new Dad."

The second half of the e-mail was her telling DH that she'd chosen my birthday. So he won't be here.


Some people surprise you, not in a cool way

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Ranting earlier this morning to my Dad about how the child support services rep misquoted us our monthly child support fee, by about $300 in the wrong direction.

And I'm told how this is my fault for marrying a guy with a kid.

By my Dad, who has another kid with another woman he was with before my mother.

Fuck you Dad. You're so awesome.
