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Nikkii's Blog

I don't understand....

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I don't understand why DH refuses to file papers for child support. We have had SS for 6 months and BM has not given nor has she done anything for SS. DH says that since we don't receive any support from my son's BD then the kids are even. I disagree. I have taken my son's father for child support and he refuses to pay. He would rather run from the law than to pay. We have literally received $1000 in 14 years. My DH has accepted that fact, but at the same time refuses to file papers on his EX.

Am I doing the right thing?????

Nikkii's picture

I need to know if i am doing the right thing. My husbands ex(Bio Mom) has threatend to beat me up again. This time over the phone. Just before this incident she tried to assault me at a basketball game all because I was there recording the game for my husband. i am tired of dealing with this behavior because she is "Just that way" according to Bio dad and ss's. Should I continue to have my rights violated because she doesn't like me? It has been 12 years. I need advice...

Here we go again...

Nikkii's picture

I really need advice on this issue. Over the holidays my ss who is in college came home. He had his mother pick him up from the house with out my knowledge and without any being at the house after the holiday. Thisis is an issue because the bm left nasty messages on our cell phone 2 months ago telling us that we are never to come to her house unannounced ever! I mean Ever! She was very nasty about it. She lives in an apartment complex and BF never goes to the door because of her wishes. But she feels she can come to our home whenever she wants becasue her son is there??? Please help.

What can I do if anything..

Nikkii's picture

You will not believe this!! After BM tried to assault me an cause a scene, she broght ss to our house to pick up a key that he left. BM is a person that does not want me in the car during drop offs or pickups(even though she can't put me out of my car), refuses to allow me to pick them up when HD can't, but yet she feels it is ok to come to my home unannounced. Any advice. Is this right? She did not get out of the car, she sat 2 houses down in her car.

I deal with a confrontational Ex wife. Please help...

Nikkii's picture

I am so happy that I found this site. I really need advice on how toi deal wih my husband's ex wife that wants to physically assault me... I guess i should start by telling you a little about my situation. My husband and I have been married for 8 years and together for 11. When I met him he was separated and living in his own apartment. He was previously married with two boys. They divorced and so began our relationship. At the time his boys were 3 and 7 and my son was 2.