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Nomadmommy's Blog


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I wound up with a 2 and a 3 year old dropped in my lap. Since my sailor husband worked during the day I quit my part time job to take care of them. And since he was sooooo tired after work, I did most the work at night too and in the mornings on weekends since he was just "too tired" to get up and find out what his kid was getting into in the bathroom. I was already depressed, but now being overwhelmed with no support or encouragement or help, and angry with my husband I was suicidal............. Since then alot has happened between my husband and I leading to our divorce.....

In the beginning...

Nomadmommy's picture

I married a 23 year old man with a 2 year old that he had outside of marriage with a woman who had already just had a kid with a man who ran out on them and so his daughter's older sister grew up to know him as daddy as well. This woman was lazy, dirty, neglectful, sleeping all day leaving the children to be cared for by everyone and anyone else in the home. She shoved dirty diapers under the bed, never bathed the the kids, fed them mostly mcdonalds.