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pixie1's Blog

I dont know what is wrong with me????????

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For anyone with is not familar with my family set up I have 2 daughters 11 and 10, 2 SD, 11 and 14 and baby boy with DH aged 7 months. Since baby brother came along SD no longer want to visit despite weekly attempts from DH. SD's stayed last night after not seeing or hearing back from them since Xmas day!!! SD 11 and 14 stayed over xmas eve and we hadnt seen SD14 for 2 months prior xmas eve as she would not come over when invited. Basically i felt like they came for the gifts then left again and we went back to never hearing from them.

Am I a babysitting service???

pixie1's picture

For anyone who is not familiar with my story I am a BM to 3 children 2 from 1st marriage and 1 child to current DH. I have 2 SD from DH 1st marriage. We are no different to anyone else here suffering at the expense of DH ex wife. I had posted in my first blog that SD had not wanted to come over very often since new baby Brother was born. DH has become increasingly frustrated with this as we used to have them a week at a time before bub was born.

The ex wife sticks around like glue

pixie1's picture

Can anyone help me??? I have a nightmare ex wife (my Husbands) that like many people on here never seems to leave us alone!!! My Husband and I have suffered so emotionally from this woman and it has reached an all time worst as my Husband has now has to tell his family that we no longer want to associate with them as long as they are friendly with her. This woman or "dog guts" as my Husband referes to her, has never been stable. when I first met my Husband 5 years ago she had decided to trade her daughters(my 2 sd's) in for more time with her boyfriend at the time.