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Why is it always me that has to be the adult?
Sd18 totally ignores me and yet i get the bollocking for not speaking to her??
I am so tired of it all
i am sat on the sofa with SO and she cant be bothered to say hello when she comes in and walks past and yet when she says gdnite to SO i get grief for not replying!
This is so fucked up its unreal.
SO got in a strop when i said why should i when she hasnt got the manners to say hello in the first place!!

skid independence

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SO and I are currently arguing/disagreeing over sD18
She has a part time job partly due to me pushing she needs to grow up and be independent
However SO is always taking her and picking her up. Its about a 40min walk (or a bus) and yes when she finishes late at night i agree she needs picking up. I cant understand why he needs to be at her beck and call and yet again tie up his time running around after her. He doesnt see my pov at all .Her shifts start at 1pm in afternoon or even 5pm and he still feels he needs to take her.

Amazed at BM..

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Sd8 has moved up a class in swimming so now needs to go twice a week. The other night is a night when SO never has her. It was decided the best thing to do was to get the teacher to email BM. Wow she actually did something for her daughter and took her!! Just when i think she is actually going to start putting her children first, there is a hidden agenda!
She txt Sd15 to find out what time she would get to swim, which slightly annoys me, as she communicates with her to find out what goes on in the house.

BM makes me so mad

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What is it with these women??
Messing with kids heads. Do they not realise the damage they do??
I have had a very good relationship with ysd now 8. I ve known her since she was 2.5yo.
We have had issues before when BM has told her she is not allowed to be in the same room, touch me or hug me and not allowed in the bedroom. Thought we had sorted all that. Coming into the bedroom was dealt with in the fact if door is shut she must knock and wait but she was always welcome to come in for a morning cuddle with daddy as long as she knocked first. This worked fine.

what to do...

Raggles's picture

SO stayed over at mine last night, leaving SD17 with SD15 alone we have done this a few times. SO not happy about as he doesnt feel confident in trusting his daughters to be okay.
Anyway i find out that last night SD17 went out for the evening leaving SD15 on her own. Sd17 never goes out, partly because she has no friends and partly because SO wont let her. I jave tried in the past tp encourage her and him to live life a little!!
My point is SO will hit the roof if he finds out she has left sd15 on her own and will probably not stay over at mine again

im not cut out for step life

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Went to visit SO parents briefly yesterday. Took the 2 youngest skids who were going to stay the night. Over coffee general chitchat. SO brings up 'the ex Mrs' (ive never heard him call her that before) to his mum and complains that she is on holiday yet again. His mum says to the skids and SO its about time you all communicated with each other and why dont you know where she has gone?

how would you handle it.

Raggles's picture

Still major 'basic manners' issues with SD17.
My SO says i should be the adult and my up bringing is to be polite. However when ever i used to speak to SD17 either i had a grunt back or no answer at all.
The other day SO forced her to say hello to me!!!! Quite entertaining but im not sure what the point of that battle was.
Anyway all sat around the dinner table and so i said hello to her and yes true to form got totally ignored again. (SO didnt even noticed!! And i havent mentioned it )
This doesnt bother me BUT i dont know how to deal with my SO over this

SD20 graduation

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She graduates this June and has 2 tickets.
obviously she has asked her dad and i never expected to go as we dont get on. I have no issue with that at all. At present she lives with her paternal grandparents-her choice . I thought she would ask one of them to attend.
No she asked her mother.
Now i understand that this is her day amd they are her parent. Yet the whole time she has been at Uni she has had no help from her BM at all, and she rarely sees her unless its birthdays or xmas. They dont text or phone generally zero contact.

notice to move

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SO has been given notice on his house and has to move out in 2months. Funny how that has happened one month after i moved out!
In one respect i feel sorry for him amd SD15 as they have settled there. I dont feel sorry for SD17!
She is going to love having to repack (NOT) but what she will enjoy is being in charge of moving as SO will let her take over amd gives him an easy life.
When will he learn she is his daughter and NOT the wife???
