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raineyc's Blog

Would you rather....

raineyc's picture completely disregarded/ignored by BM or have contact?
At every visitation exchange of ss, BM and I move bags and bikes and stuff from car to car, and she really pretty much ignores me completely all the while. A couple of times I wandered off and gave no help, but that just extended the whole awkward thing, so now I just load up and then hang with 'the boy' until we can get out of there and start the trip home.

so glad i found this site!

raineyc's picture

Hi everyone! I'm so grateful this site is here - I need to vent and maybe some advice....
A little backstory: my DH and I met when his son was 3, almost 5 years ago. There was no parenting plan in place at that time, so BM regularly refused visits - DH went months, and then over a year, between visits. He was really naive about his rights, but finally decided to try for proper visitation. They went to court eventually and a parenting plan was put into place, over her many objections (we currently live about 12 hours apart while DH goes to nursing school).